Thursday, June 11, 2020

Today's reading: Psalm 34-37

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act..." Psalm 37:7 NLT

Have a hard time being still?

Not in your DNA?

Not how you're wired?

Don't feel like you're accomplishing much by pausing in His presence?

Give me a list and I'll give you something to applaud me for...

Provide me with a task and I'll serve in that way...

Let me do someone's laundry, run for their groceries, mow their yard...

But be still?

Stop and listen?

Wait patiently?


But if I would, if I would do what He asks, how He asks me to do it, I'll have the energy, the enthusiasm and the right attitude to savor what He does for me.

You will, too.

When I consider the pause as just a part of my preparation, it looks different.

It's slowing me down to notice His works.

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