Friday, March 6, 2020

Today's reading: Joshua 5-7

"But Israel was unfaithful concerning the things set apart for the Lord..." Joshua 7:1 NLT

Our big, fluffy farm dog has a tendency to claim as his what may, or may not, given to him.

A boot left outside the door because it was muddy.

A bath towel that has blown off the laundry line.

A stick from the pile we're attempting to make in the yard after a storm.

A treat, or two, or three...or four if he finds the treat bucket.

We can tell him they are not his, but it's uncanny how at that moment, his hearing is diminished.

Severely diminished.

Lacking to the point that he takes said object and usually turns and lopes off in the opposite direction.

Don't we do the same thing? Like the people of Israel.

They took what wasn't theirs. They kept from God what was His all along--according to His own instructions.

What do we take that's His and claim as our own? I've made a list of what I'm guilty of--see if any of it fits your own life...

Power. I tend to think I have the power to change things, people, circumstances, what I've heard God speak to me.

Control. I errantly believe I am in control. Of myself. Others. My life.

Time. I mistakenly take the concept of time and attempt to twist it to accommodate me. When I want to see something done. When I want to see an answer to prayer. When I want a stormy season to pass.

My heart. I'm wrong to think I am the master of my own heart. I didn't form it. I didn't start it beating while still in my mother's womb. I didn't clean it up and remove all its sins. I don't have the ability to maintain it after this life and into  the heavenly realms.

So, this morning I'm praying that God would at least let me be more sound-minded than my farm dog and hand back over to God what is His. For His care. For His handling. For His will to be done in it all.

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