Monday, March 25, 2019

Today's reading: Numbers 31, Luke 4, Psalm 60:6-12

"When he came to the village of Nazareth, his boyhood home, he went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to read the Scriptures...He rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the attendant and sat down. Everyone in the synagogue stared at him intently...All who were there spoke well of him and were amazed by the gracious words that fell from his lips..." Luke 4:16-22 NLT

It's Mrs. Morthland's fault. She planted the seed in third grade reading class. She could read a story in a way no one else I've come across can.

She could mesmerize you with her words. She could draw you into the storyline. She could make you feel as if you were living the account.

All with how she read.

She didn't use accents, different voices or sound effects. She just read from her heart.

If you were on a pirate ship, you could feel the salt spray on your face.

If you were in a desert, you could feel thirst creeping into your very being.

If you were riding the range with a cowboy, you would feel saddle sore by the time the tale ended.

If you were on the prairie walking alongside the covered wagon, you could practically feel the long blades of prairie grass brushing against your legs.

She was that good.

But imagine Jesus standing to read the Scriptures!

From the moment He opened the scroll to the handing of it over to the attendant, you would have been transported, literally transported from earth to the realms of heaven.

He read them with personal interest.

He read them with an impassioned knowledge.

He read them with the power they evoked.

He read them with the personal touch only the Son of God could.

He read them with a heart filled with the accounts, miracles and prophecies.


I want to allow Him to read His words to me.

Every day as I crack open my favorite book in the whole entire world, I want Him to read its words to me.

To put me in the account.

To draw me in to what's happening.

To show me new and exciting things.

To let me have a glimpse of how deep, wide, high and far this Book of Books can change me.

Let Him read them to you, too.

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