Thursday, March 7, 2019

Today's reading: Numbers 4, Mark 10:1-14, Psalm 48:9-14

"Go, inspect the city of Jerusalem. Walk around and count the many towers. Take note of the fortified walls and tour all the citadels, that you may describe them to future generations. For that is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever, and he will be our guide until the end." Psalm 48:12-14 NLT

The authorship of this psalm is not given to David, but to the Korah family-the chief musicians of the Temple.

I can imagine one of the Korahites walking around the city of David one day and actually noticing the enormity and the solidness of the city itself. A city they had probably grown up in. A city they had known as their own for generations back.

But that day, they really noticed it. They 'saw' it for possibly the first time.

They noticed the number of lookout towers. The places that offered vantage points. The tall places that gave a view of miles and miles.

They noticed the thickness of the walls. The immovability of the stones, some as thick as ten feet and as long as twenty feet.

They noticed for the first time the things about Jerusalem that they had always known but had never seen with clarity.

Then they wrote this psalm about it.

And they wrote it to God.

And they mentioned the many attributes of Him that they had overlooked.

They related the protection of the city to the protection God always offers. His vantage point being much higher than ours. His unchanging ways. His rock-solid character.

There are days when who He is really gets our attention. Days when how protected we are by Him is brought to our mind. Days when we are stopped in our tracks with how big He is, how strong He is, how loving He is and how powerful He is.

And our notice of those things is our psalm to Him.

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