Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 15-19

"Then King David went in and sat before the Lord ..." 1 Chronicles 17:16 NLT

With all he had to do...he sat with the Lord.

With all the dignitaries he had to see...he sat with the Lord.

With all the edicts he had to sign...he sat with the Lord.

With all the palace duties he had to attend to...he sat with the Lord.

Some days sitting in the Lord's presence is all we can do.

Sure there's lots we need to attend to, but sometimes, we just need to sit before the Lord.

To go away from the busyness of the world, to step away from the noise, to slip away from the blessings He has given us and just sit in His presence.

Quietly. Tearfully. Thankfully. Respectfully. Hopefully. Longingly. Attentively. Expectantly.

Just sit before the Lord.

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