Friday, February 10, 2017

Today's reading: Isaiah 29-33

"That is why the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, says to the people of Israel, My people will no longer pale with fear or be ashamed. For when they see their many children and material blessings, they will recognize the holiness of the Holy One of Israel. They will stand in awe of the God of Israel." Isaiah 29:22-23 NLT

I can easily and honestly say I am tired of weak, pale with fright, afraid to take a stand Christians.

I'm worn out with believers who don't believe.

I've had it up to 'here' with sisters and brothers of faith who show no faith at all.

How can you say such a thing, you gasp? How rude, you say? Unkind, you mutter?

I make this statement only because I am tired of seeing those same characteristics in my own faith walk!

I don't want to whimper like a child in front of my enemy--I want to stand and fight using the Lord's strength!

I don't want to run when I hear the thundering footsteps of my 'Goliath'--I want to grab my slingshot and five smooth stones as I run to the fight!

I don't want to hide behind my pastor--I want to brandish the Word of God in my own heart and mind!

I don't want to be intimidated by the flaming darts unbelievers aim at me--because I know Whose child I am!

I don't want to stay up night worrying about tomorrow--because I know the Creator of all time and space intimately!

I don't want to continue fighting the same battles, over and over and over again--because I know the work done at the Cross at inside the empty Tomb!

I don't want to lose anyone else to an eternity of hell--because I know the Gospel and it is my privilege, challenge, command, opportunity to share it with as many as I can--whether they ask for it or not!

Those reasons, dear friends, are why I can say I'm tired of pale and weak Christianity--in the lives of fellow Christians and in the mirror!

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