Sunday, October 23, 2016

Today's reading: James 1-2

"Temptation comes from the lure of our own evil desires." James 1:14 NLT

I'm mad this morning. Fit-to-be-tied mad. As mad as a wet hen, mad. Would punch the wall if that were the right thing to do--and if it wouldn't hurt my own hand, kind of mad.

I went to bed in this angry state.

I woke up this way.

You see, I've fallen into temptation. I've snatched up the bait. I've walked right into a trap. I caved where I should have/could have stood strong.

And while all this past 24 hours I have been blaming satan, this morning's verse simply tells me it's not about him--it's all about me.

The desire to do what I did has always been in me.

The want-to has been hidden in my heart.

The ability to turn my back on what I knew to be wrong is natural for me.

The lure worked on me--again.

And I caved.

And now I'm spending time at Jesus' feet asking forgiveness and asking Him to turn me from the desire to do it again. Because I don't want to. I don't like the feeling it leaves me with. I don't want the guilt that rides along with the instant pleasure I thought I had.

I don't know who you're blaming this morning for your Christian walk not going smoothly, but look in the mirror--it's where the root of our problems lie.

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