Monday, April 25, 2016

Today's reading: Exodus 13-16

"So the people of Israel walked through the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!" Exodus 14:22 NLT

Yesterday was my turn to teach the lesson to the littles of our church. They were wiggly. They were active. They were noisy. They were a room-ful of energy. They had playdoh-ed and were attempting to transition into sitting down for Bible time...and it was hard!

What I loved was that the lesson I had to present for the day was an attention grabber for most every child...the account of Jesus healing the blind man with mud made from His spit.

There's nothing like spit, dirt and mud that makes a kid listen to a grown-up! It is funny. It is attention getting. It is intriguing. It is a truth, because that's what they have learned the pages of the Bible contain. They all listened. They all sat rapt with attention. They all were able to answer the questions I had for them after the account was read. They all thought the picture was 'cool'!

It's made me think...Why do we, as grown-ups, ever choose to let go of the excitement for God's Word?

As I read in Exodus this morning, I pause at the narrative of the walls of the Red Sea standing at attention as the Israelites passed by. How high were the walls? How many kids, and grown-ups reached out to touch the walls of water? Did they see fish swimming? Did they kick up dust as they walked along the dried up sea bed?

Does that still intrigue you? Does it still excite you? Does it hold your attention today as it did when the flannelgraph pictures were placed before you years ago?

Does knowing what God has done give you encouragement? Does it stir your heart to believe Him for one more miracle? Does it enable you for the task at hand? Does it make you continue on just to see what it is He will do next?

I exhort you and beseech you in the compassion of Christ, faint not, weary not. There is a great necessity of heaven; you must have it. Think it not easy; for it is a steep ascent to eternal glory; many are lying dead by the way, that were slain with security.    - Samuel Rutherford

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