Monday, January 25, 2016

Today`s reading: Genesis 16-19

``But God replied, Sarah, your wife, will bear you a son. You will name him Isaac and I will confirm my everlasting covenant with him and his descendants.`` Genesis 17:19 NLT

Abraham argued it couldn`t be done. And, oh, did he have plenty of examples of why...

They had tried the Hagar/Ishmael thing.

He was 100 years old.

Sarah was 90.

And yet when it came down to it, it all hinged on the simple fact--God said it would happen.

We know it did happen.

We know from reading further on in the book that a new baby arrived. We know he was named Isaac. We know he came despite all the odds against it.

Instead of doubting, Abraham should have just begun  ordering the monogramed blankets and onesies.

Instead of attempting to figure it all out, Abraham should have begun buying up diapers.

Instead of trying to help God out, Abraham should have trusted.

So, where does that leave us?

What has He told us that we`re not believing?

What promises has He laid out before us that we`re not quite able to stake our trust on?

What glimmer of hope has He put in our hearts that we cannot quite grab hold of?

If He said it, we can believe`s as simple as that!

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