Thursday, November 12, 2015

Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7-8

"Being wise is as good as being rich; in fact, it is better. Wisdom or money can get you almost anything, but it's important to know that only wisdom can save your life." Ecclesiastes 7:11-12 NLT

Aaah, the value of age.

You see, there was a time, many years ago, that I wouldn't have agreed completely with this portion of Scripture.

Based on what I knew to be true...

...You couldn't walk up to the sales counter at any store and ask them to bag up your purchases because you were wise. No money exchanging hands. Wisdom being the only currency needed.

...Rich meant champagne (sparkling cider, in my case) and caviar(name brand cinnamon toast cereal, in my case) for breakfast every day in a monstrous mansion.

...Comfort, as in nice cars, nice clothes and no budgets, came from money--not from using the knowledge given to you.

But now?

Now I realize how right Solomon was!

Wisdom provides me with all I need--when I seek God's will and not my own.

Wisdom fills my stomach and warms my heart as I face the day surrounded by His blessings munching on generic cereal under a roof provided by Him.

Wisdom releases my mind from worries as I trust completely and solely on God.

Wisdom makes me aware of all I have.

Wisdom allows me to see the difference in temporary value and eternal value.

Yes, at this point in my life, I'll take wisdom over riches any day of the week!

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