Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Today's reading:  Psalm 117-118

"Give thanks to the Lord for he is good!  
His faithful love endures forever.
Let the congregation of Israel repeat:
His faithful love endures forever.
Let Aaron's descendants , the priests repeat:
His faithful love endures forever.
Let all who fear the Lord repeat:
His faithful love endures forever."  
Psalm 118:1-4 NLT

Just verses away from the verse marking the exact center of the Bible (Psalm 118:8) lies this gem.

It gets to the heart of the matter.  It settles once and for all that God is interested in the personal aspect of His relationship with us.  It shows that He knows us, really and truly knows us!

He says, in the simplest of terms...

This heartache will soon pass, My love for you lasts forever!

This season of discomfort will eventually end, My love for you lasts forever!

This pain will not last forever, My love for you will!

This turmoil you're living through will finally stop, My love for you lasts forever!

This time of upheaval you're experiencing will come to an end, My love for you lasts forever!

This life you're so wrapped up in, overwhelmed by and exasperated with will stop when your heart stops beating, My love for you lasts forever!

He loves us.  He wants us to know that.  He wants us to know, without any doubt, that will never change.

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