Monday, September 8, 2014

Today's reading:  Numbers 17-20

"You yourselves must perform the sacred duties within the sanctuary and at the altar..."  Numbers 18:5 NLT

Sure, we can easily exclude ourselves from this verse by saying, the pastor is one with the sacred duty to perform...

Nursery duty isn't sacred, one might argue.

A quarterly turn teaching Sunday School isn't sacred, one might debate.

A Sunday of passing out worship bulletins isn't sacred, one might conclude.

A turn of cleaning up after a fellowship meal isn't sacred, one might contest.

But shouldn't they be?  Shouldn't anything, and everything, done within the walls of God's house be considered sacred and be done with all the excitement and holiness one can?

Including those duties at the altar.

The time spent on your own knees asking for repentance, asking for guidance, asking for revival to come about in your heart?

The time spent praying with another Christian brother or sister?

If what we're doing for God through service in our own churches is not considered sacred and worth doing, should we be doing it?

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