Monday, April 18, 2011

Today's reading: Exodus 9-12

Reading through the chapters of Exodus, I find a certain line repeated again and again...ten times, to be precise.

Go back to Pharoah, is said to Moses each and every time a plague was sent by God in an attempt to soften Pharoah's heart.

Ten times? Can you imagine?

Having to see the hard-hearted ruler again and again? Going through palace protocol, the incessant bowing and offering of humility?

And then I thought...I've had some 'returns' of my own.

I've had to go back to tell satan again and again that my life and my emotions are no longer fields for him to play in!

I've had to go back to the pit of grieving and pain to be reminded of God's grace and power!

I've had to go back to friends 'who knew me when' and witness!

I've had to go back to family members who 'know the real me' and ask forgiveness--again and again!

I've had to go back to the altar with the issues that plague me!

I've had to go back to the unlovely folks in my path and exude godliness, even when ungodliness would come more natural!

Yes, Moses and I are alot alike. When I get to heaven and have a chance to sit and chat with the old guy, we'll have a lot of 'return' stories to swap. Care to join us?

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