Friday, January 14, 2011

Today's reading: Isaiah 7-11

What makes you different from the crowd? What is it about you that's unique? What about you testifies to the fact that we are all genuinely created? Really, think about it for a minute--what makes you, well, you?

Is it how you think?

"The Lord said to me in the strongest terms: Do not think like everyone else does." Isaiah 8:11 NLT

Oh sure, there are some thing we must agree on. There are projects that require putting our heads together and working on a common goal. There are issues that leave absolutely no room for differing opinions.

And then, there are the times when you must, as a Child of God, stand out in the crowd!

-Like when you use the talents He has given you.

-Like when He speaks to your heart concerning your personal conduct and conviction.

-Like when the Holy Spirit leads you.

-Like when everyone is swimming downstream and you know it's wrong.

So, do you think like everyone else or not?

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