Today's reading: Romans 10-12
"For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 NLT
Save-to deliver from sin; to rescue or deliver from harm or danger; to preserve or guard from injury, destruction or loss; to maintain or preserve.
You know, I've been a Christian since I was 7 years old.
That's 40 years of me being able to say God saved me, Jesus' blood cleansed me and the Holy Spirit has guarded and guided me.
That's a lot to celebrate.
A whole heap of a lot!
But to be quite honest, I needed today's verse, today's definition and today's whisper of the Spirit in my ear of how very much of a gift that salvation truly was.
You see, I don't view it on a daily basis as the monumentally, amazing display of grace that it was.
I take this precious offering of His for granted.
Oh, not intentionally--but I do none the less.
I have been delivered from my sins...all of them! I have been rescued from the pits of hell! I have been preserved for the good things God has planned for me...ages before I was even born! I have been preserved, set aside, made available for such a time as this!
I confessed. I believed. I have been saved!
What about you?
Monday, April 30, 2018
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Today's reading: Romans 7-9
"Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord..." Romans 7:24-25 NLT
Answer-a solution of a problem.
We all have a huge problem.
Our problem is the war within us over what is right and what is wrong.
Paul knew all about it. Just read Romans 7:15-23 to see if he doesn't write representing all of us, if he isn't a fellow who knows all about how very real the struggle is.
Paul could have told us to just give up trying.
To just throw in the towel.
To raise the white flag of defeat.
But instead, he gives us hope...he gives us Jesus!
Jesus is the answer for us, for our struggle, for our sins.
He is the solution to the problem we all have.
Today's reading: Romans 7-9
"Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord..." Romans 7:24-25 NLT
Answer-a solution of a problem.
We all have a huge problem.
Our problem is the war within us over what is right and what is wrong.
Paul knew all about it. Just read Romans 7:15-23 to see if he doesn't write representing all of us, if he isn't a fellow who knows all about how very real the struggle is.
Paul could have told us to just give up trying.
To just throw in the towel.
To raise the white flag of defeat.
But instead, he gives us hope...he gives us Jesus!
Jesus is the answer for us, for our struggle, for our sins.
He is the solution to the problem we all have.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Today's reading: Romans 4-6
"For the Scriptures tell us, Abraham believed God, so God declared him to be righteous." Romans 4:3 NLT
Believed-to have considered to be true or honest; to have accepted the word of evidence of.
Abraham didn't have to believe he was humanly capable.
Abraham didn't have to believe his funds were sufficient to accomplish the tasks at hand.
Abraham didn't have to believe in the political powers of the time.
Abraham didn't have to believe in what the common worldview considered acceptable.
Abraham had to believe God.
We are asked to do no more than that, too.
Today's reading: Romans 4-6
"For the Scriptures tell us, Abraham believed God, so God declared him to be righteous." Romans 4:3 NLT
Believed-to have considered to be true or honest; to have accepted the word of evidence of.
Abraham didn't have to believe he was humanly capable.
Abraham didn't have to believe his funds were sufficient to accomplish the tasks at hand.
Abraham didn't have to believe in the political powers of the time.
Abraham didn't have to believe in what the common worldview considered acceptable.
Abraham had to believe God.
We are asked to do no more than that, too.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Today's reading: Romans 1-3
"But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves." Romans 1:18 NLT
Push-to press against with force in order to drive or impel; to move or endeavor to move away or ahead by steady pressure.
Here is the conversation from just a few days ago--
Me: Hey, Dad, you'll never believe the YouTube video this guy at work showed me today!
Dad: What was it?
Me: It showed a team of draft horses pulling a loaded concrete truck out of a spot it was stuck in. It was amazing! Those horses barely even seemed to strain as they did it! The guys and I calculated that the truck and the concrete probably weighed 60,000 pounds or more!
Dad: Hmm. They didn't pull it out.
Me: Yes, Dad, they did--I saw the video.
Dad: They pushed it out.
Me: No, Dad...they were in the front of the stuck truck, they pulled it out.
Dad: They pushed it out.
Me: No, they pulled it.
Dad: Horses push, they don't pull. They push against their harness and the harness pulls the load.
Me: Oh.
Boy, oh boy, did that conversation come back to me today as I read over this verse!
I can easily see why so many of us think sins, the world, the enemy 'pull' us away from God--and yet, we allow those things to strap us down, harness our power and chain us to the point that we begin to push the truth of God away!
We get strangled by their cords.
We get tripped up by their intrusion on our lives.
We feel trapped by them, only because we've allowed them in to our lives.
In an effort to live with, approve or okay these 'harnesses' we push against what we have learned from the Holy Spirit to be right and true.
We need to completely remove the harness of sin. Take it off. Put it aside. Refuse to allow it on our hearts and souls and minds ever again. Stop it from giving us the desire to pushaway from God!
Today's reading: Romans 1-3
"But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves." Romans 1:18 NLT
Push-to press against with force in order to drive or impel; to move or endeavor to move away or ahead by steady pressure.
Here is the conversation from just a few days ago--
Me: Hey, Dad, you'll never believe the YouTube video this guy at work showed me today!
Dad: What was it?
Me: It showed a team of draft horses pulling a loaded concrete truck out of a spot it was stuck in. It was amazing! Those horses barely even seemed to strain as they did it! The guys and I calculated that the truck and the concrete probably weighed 60,000 pounds or more!
Dad: Hmm. They didn't pull it out.
Me: Yes, Dad, they did--I saw the video.
Dad: They pushed it out.
Me: No, Dad...they were in the front of the stuck truck, they pulled it out.
Dad: They pushed it out.
Me: No, they pulled it.
Dad: Horses push, they don't pull. They push against their harness and the harness pulls the load.
Me: Oh.
Boy, oh boy, did that conversation come back to me today as I read over this verse!
I can easily see why so many of us think sins, the world, the enemy 'pull' us away from God--and yet, we allow those things to strap us down, harness our power and chain us to the point that we begin to push the truth of God away!
We get strangled by their cords.
We get tripped up by their intrusion on our lives.
We feel trapped by them, only because we've allowed them in to our lives.
In an effort to live with, approve or okay these 'harnesses' we push against what we have learned from the Holy Spirit to be right and true.
We need to completely remove the harness of sin. Take it off. Put it aside. Refuse to allow it on our hearts and souls and minds ever again. Stop it from giving us the desire to pushaway from God!
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Today's reading: Joshua 22-24
"But as surely as the Lord your God has given you the good things he promised, he will also bring disaster on you if you disobey him." Joshua 23:15 NLT
Surely-with confidence; without doubt; beyond question.
I have to admit I too often dwell on the goodness of God and fail to study, understand and truly believe the jealous side of Him.
Our God promises good to His children.
Our God also promises to discipline us when necessary...
When our hearts wander.
When our lives follow others paths.
When we worship idols.
When comfort is more important than obedience.
When we sin.
When we become more important than Him.
God is good, but the intense level of His goodness is wrapped, imbedded and woven with the just and true nature of a supreme King. One who cannot waiver from His word.
He loves us that much.
Today's reading: Joshua 22-24
"But as surely as the Lord your God has given you the good things he promised, he will also bring disaster on you if you disobey him." Joshua 23:15 NLT
Surely-with confidence; without doubt; beyond question.
I have to admit I too often dwell on the goodness of God and fail to study, understand and truly believe the jealous side of Him.
Our God promises good to His children.
Our God also promises to discipline us when necessary...
When our hearts wander.
When our lives follow others paths.
When we worship idols.
When comfort is more important than obedience.
When we sin.
When we become more important than Him.
God is good, but the intense level of His goodness is wrapped, imbedded and woven with the just and true nature of a supreme King. One who cannot waiver from His word.
He loves us that much.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Today's reading: Joshua 19-21
"The second allotment of land went to the families of the tribe of Simeon. Their inheritance was surrounded by Judah's territory." Joshua 19:1 NLT
Surrounded-to have encircled on all sides; to have constituted part of the environment of; to have extended around the margin or edge of.
I come from a family who has encircled me with their godliness.
I am one of 'those' gals who have a heritage of the Lord built in to my family tree.
And I am so proud, so honored, so humbled, so spurred on by it!
You see I am who I am today because of the faith instilled in my by the lives and words of grandparents and parents.
That's why, I guess, this word 'surrounded' caught my eye.
Smack dab in the middle of Judah's territory, the tribe of Simeon lived.
And that's where I live--dead center of the concentric circles formed by the days of my family.
But read on...
"Their (Simeon) inheritance came from part of what had been given to Judah because Judah's territory was too large for them. So the tribe of Simeon received an inheritance within the territory of Judah." Joshua 19:9 NLT
I believe this to be the case of every godly family--the blessings of God are too large for any of us to handle on our own, or contain or to keep to ourselves.
I am blessed because my grandparents and parents were 'overblessed', one might say.
I will also be allowed to pass on my abundance of blessings to my son. And him to his. What a legacy!
Now to you who haven't had the privilege of being raised in a godly family, there's hope...
It's in you! It's in your dependence upon the Lord. It's in your commitment to following Him, in blazing new trails, in being the first generation of believers in your family.
You have the opportunity to be the inheritance someone else will receive a part of!
Today's reading: Joshua 19-21
"The second allotment of land went to the families of the tribe of Simeon. Their inheritance was surrounded by Judah's territory." Joshua 19:1 NLT
Surrounded-to have encircled on all sides; to have constituted part of the environment of; to have extended around the margin or edge of.
I come from a family who has encircled me with their godliness.
I am one of 'those' gals who have a heritage of the Lord built in to my family tree.
And I am so proud, so honored, so humbled, so spurred on by it!
You see I am who I am today because of the faith instilled in my by the lives and words of grandparents and parents.
That's why, I guess, this word 'surrounded' caught my eye.
Smack dab in the middle of Judah's territory, the tribe of Simeon lived.
And that's where I live--dead center of the concentric circles formed by the days of my family.
But read on...
"Their (Simeon) inheritance came from part of what had been given to Judah because Judah's territory was too large for them. So the tribe of Simeon received an inheritance within the territory of Judah." Joshua 19:9 NLT
I believe this to be the case of every godly family--the blessings of God are too large for any of us to handle on our own, or contain or to keep to ourselves.
I am blessed because my grandparents and parents were 'overblessed', one might say.
I will also be allowed to pass on my abundance of blessings to my son. And him to his. What a legacy!
Now to you who haven't had the privilege of being raised in a godly family, there's hope...
It's in you! It's in your dependence upon the Lord. It's in your commitment to following Him, in blazing new trails, in being the first generation of believers in your family.
You have the opportunity to be the inheritance someone else will receive a part of!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Today's reading: Joshua 16-18
"Select three men from each tribe, and I will send them out to survey the unconquered territory. They will return to me with a written report of their proposed divisions of the inheritance." Joshua 18:4 NLT
Survey-to examine as to condition, situation or value; to appraise; to view or consider comprehensively; to inspect.
If God were to give you a writing assignment, it might look just like the one He assigned the children of Israel.
Maybe the title of the journal page for the day might be, 'What Satan Has That is Mine...'
You and I both know there are areas of our lives that still are not truly our own. Let's re-phrase that, they are truly not handed over to God.
Acres of unrest.
Forests of foul habits that steal time and leave us emptier than before.
Parcels of pettiness.
Hectares of doubt.
Square miles of fear.
What would you write about? Might you jot down a few dreams of what life might look like once you've taken possession, moved in, settled?
God asked the children of Israel to write down what they saw when they visited those places. The places He had already bequeathed to them. Their land.
What did their report look like?
Did it spur them on to attack and retrieve what was rightly theirs? Did it open their eyes to what they were missing out on? Did their reports, put down in black and white, or ink and parchment in their instance, boost their morale and stir up desire in their hearts? Did it make them fighting mad to think someone else was holding on to what was rightfully theirs?
Might your report do the same?
Today's reading: Joshua 16-18
"Select three men from each tribe, and I will send them out to survey the unconquered territory. They will return to me with a written report of their proposed divisions of the inheritance." Joshua 18:4 NLT
Survey-to examine as to condition, situation or value; to appraise; to view or consider comprehensively; to inspect.
If God were to give you a writing assignment, it might look just like the one He assigned the children of Israel.
Maybe the title of the journal page for the day might be, 'What Satan Has That is Mine...'
You and I both know there are areas of our lives that still are not truly our own. Let's re-phrase that, they are truly not handed over to God.
Acres of unrest.
Forests of foul habits that steal time and leave us emptier than before.
Parcels of pettiness.
Hectares of doubt.
Square miles of fear.
What would you write about? Might you jot down a few dreams of what life might look like once you've taken possession, moved in, settled?
God asked the children of Israel to write down what they saw when they visited those places. The places He had already bequeathed to them. Their land.
What did their report look like?
Did it spur them on to attack and retrieve what was rightly theirs? Did it open their eyes to what they were missing out on? Did their reports, put down in black and white, or ink and parchment in their instance, boost their morale and stir up desire in their hearts? Did it make them fighting mad to think someone else was holding on to what was rightfully theirs?
Might your report do the same?
Monday, April 23, 2018
Today's reading: Joshua 13-15
"So I'm asking you to give me the hill country that the Lord promised me. You will remember that as scouts we found the Anakites living there in great, walled cities. But if the Lord is with me, I will drive them out of the land, just as the Lord said." Joshua 14:12 NLT
Drive-to remove former occupants by possessing in their place; pressure to act.
In my own life I have a few plots of ground where Satan has taken up residency.
He has pitched his shabby tent.
He has squatted on property that is not his.
He has attempted to scratch my name off a few of my personal things and write his name over them.
To drive him out would require that I give him notice--that I state soundly and surely that I know what he is doing is wrong and what he has is mine.
To drive him out would require that I give him less authority than I've previously given him--that I begin to claim what is mine, that I begin to believe in Who I have been empowered by.
To drive him out would require that I change things up--that I stop banking on his lies, that I discontinue caving in to his threats, that I realize what value is in all God has given me!
As a matter of fact, I think I'll take Satan for a drive. I'll grab him by his scruffy collar, toss him in the trunk of the car, find the farthest, most deserted gravel road I can find and dump his sorry hide off there. While he attempts to make it back, I'll clean house. I'll remove all traces of him from my stuff and reclaim it as my own! I'll scrub it clean from his infestation. I'll ask God to help me wash away all traces of him from my God-given things.
Yes, I'll drive my enemy out--to the boon docks, so far out he cannot find his way back!
Today's reading: Joshua 13-15
"So I'm asking you to give me the hill country that the Lord promised me. You will remember that as scouts we found the Anakites living there in great, walled cities. But if the Lord is with me, I will drive them out of the land, just as the Lord said." Joshua 14:12 NLT
Drive-to remove former occupants by possessing in their place; pressure to act.
In my own life I have a few plots of ground where Satan has taken up residency.
He has pitched his shabby tent.
He has squatted on property that is not his.
He has attempted to scratch my name off a few of my personal things and write his name over them.
To drive him out would require that I give him notice--that I state soundly and surely that I know what he is doing is wrong and what he has is mine.
To drive him out would require that I give him less authority than I've previously given him--that I begin to claim what is mine, that I begin to believe in Who I have been empowered by.
To drive him out would require that I change things up--that I stop banking on his lies, that I discontinue caving in to his threats, that I realize what value is in all God has given me!
As a matter of fact, I think I'll take Satan for a drive. I'll grab him by his scruffy collar, toss him in the trunk of the car, find the farthest, most deserted gravel road I can find and dump his sorry hide off there. While he attempts to make it back, I'll clean house. I'll remove all traces of him from my stuff and reclaim it as my own! I'll scrub it clean from his infestation. I'll ask God to help me wash away all traces of him from my God-given things.
Yes, I'll drive my enemy out--to the boon docks, so far out he cannot find his way back!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Today's reading: Joshua 10-12
"The Lord fought for Israel that day. Never before or since has there been a day like that one, when the Lord answered such a request from a human being." Joshua 10:14 NLT
Answered- heard with attention and interest and responded accordingly.
It makes a difference in my praying to think someone once asked God to stop the sun in its courses--and He answered accordingly!
It makes a difference in my prayer time to remember that a man sought forgiveness from the belly of a great fish--and God answered!
It makes a difference in my supplications to know that the prayer prayed for me on Calvary's cross bent God's ear--and God's answer was salvation!
God is listening and He answers, let your prayers be guided by that truth!
Today's reading: Joshua 10-12
"The Lord fought for Israel that day. Never before or since has there been a day like that one, when the Lord answered such a request from a human being." Joshua 10:14 NLT
Answered- heard with attention and interest and responded accordingly.
It makes a difference in my praying to think someone once asked God to stop the sun in its courses--and He answered accordingly!
It makes a difference in my prayer time to remember that a man sought forgiveness from the belly of a great fish--and God answered!
It makes a difference in my supplications to know that the prayer prayed for me on Calvary's cross bent God's ear--and God's answer was salvation!
God is listening and He answers, let your prayers be guided by that truth!
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Today's reading: Joshua 7-9
"Now all the kings west of the Jordan heard about what had happened. (These were the kings of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, who lived in the hill country, in the western foothills, and along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea as far north as the Lebanon mountains.) These kings quickly combined their armies to fight against Joshua and the Israelites." Joshua 9:1-2 NLT
Heard-perceived by ear; listened to with attention or interest; to hear intelligently.
Has your enemy heard he is defeated?
Has your conversations been such that he has caught on to the fact that he is down for the count?
Are you telling everyone around you what God has already done, regardless of how circumstances look?
Are you praising God loudly enough to make Satan shake in his boots?
If you are God's child, He has given you the 'land west of the Jordan', the victory over this addiction, the resolve to make it through this current storm and the promise of a great reward--does your enemy know? Has he heard?
Today's reading: Joshua 7-9
"Now all the kings west of the Jordan heard about what had happened. (These were the kings of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, who lived in the hill country, in the western foothills, and along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea as far north as the Lebanon mountains.) These kings quickly combined their armies to fight against Joshua and the Israelites." Joshua 9:1-2 NLT
Heard-perceived by ear; listened to with attention or interest; to hear intelligently.
Has your enemy heard he is defeated?
Has your conversations been such that he has caught on to the fact that he is down for the count?
Are you telling everyone around you what God has already done, regardless of how circumstances look?
Are you praising God loudly enough to make Satan shake in his boots?
If you are God's child, He has given you the 'land west of the Jordan', the victory over this addiction, the resolve to make it through this current storm and the promise of a great reward--does your enemy know? Has he heard?
Friday, April 20, 2018
Today's reading: Joshua 4-6
"The seventh time around, as the priests sounded the long blast on their horns, Joshua commanded the people, Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!" Joshua 6:16 NLT
Shout-to utter a sudden loud cry; to command attention; to utter in a loud voice.
The Hebrew definition of the word 'shout' gives this definition: to split the ears with sound or to break the silence.
I love it!
I think it's time we Christians...
We Bible believing folk...
We who have been washed by the Savior's blood...
This adopted brood of the Most High God...
Stop hiding behind His robe-tails, take our thumbs out of our mouths, put feet to our faith and shout at our enemy to leave us alone!
No more of this mealy-mouth, anemic quoting of Scripture.
No more mumbling beneath our breath.
Making an end of shaking our defiant little fists when the enemy's back is turned.
Shout for victory!
Yell the promises of God!
Holler hallelujahs that will scare the liver out of anyone standing against us!
Caterwaul! Screech! Bellow!
Break the silence by proclaiming your faith in God!
Or...remain silent, weak, defeated and imprisoned.
Today's reading: Joshua 4-6
"The seventh time around, as the priests sounded the long blast on their horns, Joshua commanded the people, Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!" Joshua 6:16 NLT
Shout-to utter a sudden loud cry; to command attention; to utter in a loud voice.
The Hebrew definition of the word 'shout' gives this definition: to split the ears with sound or to break the silence.
I love it!
I think it's time we Christians...
We Bible believing folk...
We who have been washed by the Savior's blood...
This adopted brood of the Most High God...
Stop hiding behind His robe-tails, take our thumbs out of our mouths, put feet to our faith and shout at our enemy to leave us alone!
No more of this mealy-mouth, anemic quoting of Scripture.
No more mumbling beneath our breath.
Making an end of shaking our defiant little fists when the enemy's back is turned.
Shout for victory!
Yell the promises of God!
Holler hallelujahs that will scare the liver out of anyone standing against us!
Caterwaul! Screech! Bellow!
Break the silence by proclaiming your faith in God!
Or...remain silent, weak, defeated and imprisoned.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Today's reading: Joshua 1-3
"I command you--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 NLT
Courageous-having the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.
I was told once that courage is 'doing it afraid'.
I take it as it is getting the job done, fully aware of the surrounding circumstances.
It's not staying in the boat.
It's doing what's asked of you when you'd rather stay safe and sound under the covers.
Let me re-phrase that last one...
It's doing what's asked because of Who asked.
For the Christian, it's believing more in God than in what we can see, what we might experience or what others might think.
Are you courageous?
Today's reading: Joshua 1-3
"I command you--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 NLT
Courageous-having the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.
I was told once that courage is 'doing it afraid'.
I take it as it is getting the job done, fully aware of the surrounding circumstances.
It's not staying in the boat.
It's doing what's asked of you when you'd rather stay safe and sound under the covers.
Let me re-phrase that last one...
It's doing what's asked because of Who asked.
For the Christian, it's believing more in God than in what we can see, what we might experience or what others might think.
Are you courageous?
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 25-28
"Who are you, sir? I asked. And the Lord replied, I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting." Acts 26:15 NLT
Persecute-to treat continually in a way meant to be cruel or harmful; to drive away.
Never in a million years would we attempt to persecute God. Can I have an 'Amen'?
We'd never try to harm Him. We'd never be cruel to Him. We would never mis-treat Him.
And yet we do.
We break His heart with our disobedience.
We downsize Him with our lack of faith.
We disregard Him with our doubts.
We punish Him when we don't get our way.
We punch Him in the gut when we are unloving or unkind to another.
We question His authority when we allow disbelief to override what He says in His Word.
We turn our noses up at Him when we 'head off towards Tarshish instead of Ninevah'.
We've got to stop persecuting the One who is on our side. We must join forces with Him instead of constantly fighting against Him--for we will not win!
Today's reading: Acts 25-28
"Who are you, sir? I asked. And the Lord replied, I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting." Acts 26:15 NLT
Persecute-to treat continually in a way meant to be cruel or harmful; to drive away.
Never in a million years would we attempt to persecute God. Can I have an 'Amen'?
We'd never try to harm Him. We'd never be cruel to Him. We would never mis-treat Him.
And yet we do.
We break His heart with our disobedience.
We downsize Him with our lack of faith.
We disregard Him with our doubts.
We punish Him when we don't get our way.
We punch Him in the gut when we are unloving or unkind to another.
We question His authority when we allow disbelief to override what He says in His Word.
We turn our noses up at Him when we 'head off towards Tarshish instead of Ninevah'.
We've got to stop persecuting the One who is on our side. We must join forces with Him instead of constantly fighting against Him--for we will not win!
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 22-24
"A few days later, Felix came with his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish. Sending for Paul, they listened as he told them about faith in Christ Jesus. As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the judgement to come, Felix was terrified. Go away for now, he replied, When it is more convenient, I'll call for you again." Acts 24:24-25 NLT
Convenient-suitable to personal comfort or to easy performance; according accommodation or advantage.
I hate to break this to you, but God is not sitting around wondering just how in the world He can make life easy for you.--He's more concerned with your holiness.
We cannot be like Felix and shoo Him away until it's an easier time to obey.
We cannot dismiss God until a more convenient time.
We cannot tell our Creator to come back at a more opportune season in our lives.
Well, we can--but we shouldn't.
How do we know now isn't the best time for us to release a sin into His hands? How do we know today isn't the day set aside for independence from sinful habits? How do we know that the minor discomfort of a new discipline today might be training just the muscles we need for tomorrow's battle?
How do we know we have more than today?
Today's reading: Acts 22-24
"A few days later, Felix came with his wife, Drusilla, who was Jewish. Sending for Paul, they listened as he told them about faith in Christ Jesus. As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the judgement to come, Felix was terrified. Go away for now, he replied, When it is more convenient, I'll call for you again." Acts 24:24-25 NLT
Convenient-suitable to personal comfort or to easy performance; according accommodation or advantage.
I hate to break this to you, but God is not sitting around wondering just how in the world He can make life easy for you.--He's more concerned with your holiness.
We cannot be like Felix and shoo Him away until it's an easier time to obey.
We cannot dismiss God until a more convenient time.
We cannot tell our Creator to come back at a more opportune season in our lives.
Well, we can--but we shouldn't.
How do we know now isn't the best time for us to release a sin into His hands? How do we know today isn't the day set aside for independence from sinful habits? How do we know that the minor discomfort of a new discipline today might be training just the muscles we need for tomorrow's battle?
How do we know we have more than today?
Monday, April 16, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 19-21
"God gave Paul the power to do unusual miracles." Acts 19:11 NLT
Unusual-not usual; uncommon; rare; different or strange in a way that attracts attention; noticeably different from what is generally found or experienced.
Believing friends, unusual miracles are exactly what we need to be praying for in our lives!
We need to be asking God to do uncommon things in our lives that point our unsaved loved ones, friends and neighbors straight to Him.
We need to be begging Him to take us out of the ordinary and plain and into the extraordinary and mind-blowing.
We need to begin believing that what He gave to Paul He gave to us as well.
I'm not saying we need to ask for a crazy, chaotic life--that's not from God. What I do believe He wants us to request is a faith in Him so big we are willing to do things that will leave those around us saying, 'Man, that had to be of God!'.
It's a scary request.
It might take us out of the normal and comfortable.
It just might make us stand out in the same crowd we would just as soon blend in to.
But what might come of it? Who might be drawn to our Savior? How might we change the world for the Kingdom of God by asking just this?
Today's reading: Acts 19-21
"God gave Paul the power to do unusual miracles." Acts 19:11 NLT
Unusual-not usual; uncommon; rare; different or strange in a way that attracts attention; noticeably different from what is generally found or experienced.
Believing friends, unusual miracles are exactly what we need to be praying for in our lives!
We need to be asking God to do uncommon things in our lives that point our unsaved loved ones, friends and neighbors straight to Him.
We need to be begging Him to take us out of the ordinary and plain and into the extraordinary and mind-blowing.
We need to begin believing that what He gave to Paul He gave to us as well.
I'm not saying we need to ask for a crazy, chaotic life--that's not from God. What I do believe He wants us to request is a faith in Him so big we are willing to do things that will leave those around us saying, 'Man, that had to be of God!'.
It's a scary request.
It might take us out of the normal and comfortable.
It just might make us stand out in the same crowd we would just as soon blend in to.
But what might come of it? Who might be drawn to our Savior? How might we change the world for the Kingdom of God by asking just this?
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 16-18
"One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying." Acts 16:14 NLT
Open-to move; to make available for entry or passage by turning back; to disclose or expose to view; to become enlightened or responsive.
I have to say I was thinking about the adjective 'open', not the verb 'open' this morning.
I would hope, down deep in my heart, that I am open to God.
But to be open (adjective), I must be opened (verb).
A process only God can bring about.
A change only my Creator can make happen.
An act only a close Friend can get personal enough to accomplish.
I have to allow it.
I have to want it.
I have to make myself available to it--and to the response of my heart when I am opened before the Lord--my desires exposed, my sins laid before me, my issues pinpointed and addressed.
Being 'opened' up, heart and soul, like a surgeon would to remove a tumor, lesion or abscess, is not something any of us want to have done...and yet, we want the healing that comes from having the diseased part of us removed.
My prayer for myself is that I will want to be 'opened' up by God so that I am an 'open' vessel ready to be poured in to.
Today's reading: Acts 16-18
"One of them was Lydia from Thyatira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart, and she accepted what Paul was saying." Acts 16:14 NLT
Open-to move; to make available for entry or passage by turning back; to disclose or expose to view; to become enlightened or responsive.
I have to say I was thinking about the adjective 'open', not the verb 'open' this morning.
I would hope, down deep in my heart, that I am open to God.
But to be open (adjective), I must be opened (verb).
A process only God can bring about.
A change only my Creator can make happen.
An act only a close Friend can get personal enough to accomplish.
I have to allow it.
I have to want it.
I have to make myself available to it--and to the response of my heart when I am opened before the Lord--my desires exposed, my sins laid before me, my issues pinpointed and addressed.
Being 'opened' up, heart and soul, like a surgeon would to remove a tumor, lesion or abscess, is not something any of us want to have done...and yet, we want the healing that comes from having the diseased part of us removed.
My prayer for myself is that I will want to be 'opened' up by God so that I am an 'open' vessel ready to be poured in to.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 13-15
"Brothers--you sons of Abraham, and also you devout Gentiles who fear the God of Israel--this salvation is for us!" Acts 13:26 NLT
Salvation-deliverance from the power and effects of sin; liberation from ignorance or illusion; preservation from destruction or failure.
It's happened again this morning.
It's a matter of knowing something, but not truly 'getting' it down deep into my head or heart.
I am saved.
I am a child of God.
I have accepted Jesus' blood-bought gift of salvation and I am promised, no guaranteed, no covenant-sealed, an eternal life!
This salvation has released me from the grip and imprisonment of sin.
This salvation has opened my eyes to a new way of living, a new type of love and a new abundant life.
This salvation has assured me that death will not hold me in its grips.
This salvation is for us.
Sure, we can leave it on the table, unaccepted, unwrapped and unappreciated--or we can grab it up with both our hands, carry it dearly in our hearts and allow it to change our lives!
Today's reading: Acts 13-15
"Brothers--you sons of Abraham, and also you devout Gentiles who fear the God of Israel--this salvation is for us!" Acts 13:26 NLT
Salvation-deliverance from the power and effects of sin; liberation from ignorance or illusion; preservation from destruction or failure.
It's happened again this morning.
It's a matter of knowing something, but not truly 'getting' it down deep into my head or heart.
I am saved.
I am a child of God.
I have accepted Jesus' blood-bought gift of salvation and I am promised, no guaranteed, no covenant-sealed, an eternal life!
This salvation has released me from the grip and imprisonment of sin.
This salvation has opened my eyes to a new way of living, a new type of love and a new abundant life.
This salvation has assured me that death will not hold me in its grips.
This salvation is for us.
Sure, we can leave it on the table, unaccepted, unwrapped and unappreciated--or we can grab it up with both our hands, carry it dearly in our hearts and allow it to change our lives!
Friday, April 13, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 10-12
"But God's Good News was spreading rapidly, and there were many new believers." Acts 12:24 NLT
Spread-to open or expand over a large area; to stretch out; to distribute over an area; to make widely known; to become dispersed, distributed or scattered.
A new believer shared what he had just learned with a neighbor across the fence... That neighbor shared with the man at the market... The wives over heard and shared in their kids' play groups... The shopkeepers began to talk to their customers about their new beliefs... The travelers heard from the innkeepers about Jesus, then took the information back with them...
What's changed? What's slowed down the rapid spread of Christianity?
It's not that we cannot communicate.
It's not that we don't interact with people daily.
It's not that we cannot pick up a phone, shoot off a text, make a post on social media, drive over to a friend's house or share with the clerk where we buy milk and bread.
We're just not doing it.
The excitement for what God's done in our lives is dying to a barely glowing ember.
Fan the flame!
Share the story of how God rescued you through the blood of His Son, Jesus.
Don't worry about telling the whole world, just tell one person today...and see where it goes from there!
Today's reading: Acts 10-12
"But God's Good News was spreading rapidly, and there were many new believers." Acts 12:24 NLT
Spread-to open or expand over a large area; to stretch out; to distribute over an area; to make widely known; to become dispersed, distributed or scattered.
A new believer shared what he had just learned with a neighbor across the fence... That neighbor shared with the man at the market... The wives over heard and shared in their kids' play groups... The shopkeepers began to talk to their customers about their new beliefs... The travelers heard from the innkeepers about Jesus, then took the information back with them...
What's changed? What's slowed down the rapid spread of Christianity?
It's not that we cannot communicate.
It's not that we don't interact with people daily.
It's not that we cannot pick up a phone, shoot off a text, make a post on social media, drive over to a friend's house or share with the clerk where we buy milk and bread.
We're just not doing it.
The excitement for what God's done in our lives is dying to a barely glowing ember.
Fan the flame!
Share the story of how God rescued you through the blood of His Son, Jesus.
Don't worry about telling the whole world, just tell one person today...and see where it goes from there!
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 7-9
"When Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to meet with the believers, but they were all afraid of him. They thought he was only pretending to be a believer!" Acts 9:26 NLT
Pretend-to give a false appearance of being, possessing or performing; to make believe; to claim, represent or assert falsely.
Dear Church,
Could we, the blood-washed throng, ever be accused of pretending to be Christians?
Are we even playing the part well enough for evidence to be stacked against us?
Do we even commit enough for it to be said we 'play' church?
Do our Sunday performances override all we do Monday through Saturday?
Is the world afraid of us for pretending to be believers--or do they laugh at our attempts?
Are we giving false appearances of being His, possessing His power or performing in His name?
Are we living lives that make Christ and His work believable, or as made-up as Mr. Rogers' trolley-stop neighborhood?
Are we falsely claiming the name of Jesus as our source of power? Are we embarrassingly representing Him?
The early church was afraid to trust Saul/Paul because they thought he was merely pretending to be changed by the blood of Jesus. The world today mistrusts us because for the most part we are saying we are changed but are showing very little evidence of it!
Today's reading: Acts 7-9
"When Saul arrived in Jerusalem, he tried to meet with the believers, but they were all afraid of him. They thought he was only pretending to be a believer!" Acts 9:26 NLT
Pretend-to give a false appearance of being, possessing or performing; to make believe; to claim, represent or assert falsely.
Dear Church,
Could we, the blood-washed throng, ever be accused of pretending to be Christians?
Are we even playing the part well enough for evidence to be stacked against us?
Do we even commit enough for it to be said we 'play' church?
Do our Sunday performances override all we do Monday through Saturday?
Is the world afraid of us for pretending to be believers--or do they laugh at our attempts?
Are we giving false appearances of being His, possessing His power or performing in His name?
Are we living lives that make Christ and His work believable, or as made-up as Mr. Rogers' trolley-stop neighborhood?
Are we falsely claiming the name of Jesus as our source of power? Are we embarrassingly representing Him?
The early church was afraid to trust Saul/Paul because they thought he was merely pretending to be changed by the blood of Jesus. The world today mistrusts us because for the most part we are saying we are changed but are showing very little evidence of it!
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 4-6
"But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God." Acts 5:39 NLT
Stop-to close by filling or obstructing; to hinder or prevent; to get in the way of; to close up or block off; to make impassable; to cause to give up or change a course of action; to keep from carrying out a proposed action; to cause to cease.
May I ask you to take a quick evaluation of your heart? Can I ask you to pray to pray about the following question? Won't you ponder what God's spoken to my heart--and apply it to your own set of circumstances?
All of us are in one, or more on any given day, of the following camps...
-I think I can stop God's plans.
-I think my lack of skill, abilities, training will thwart God's plans from coming to fruition.
-I think God's plans have nothing at all to do with me.
I'll be quite honest this morning and tell you, I've visited, staked a tent and camped out around each of these 'campfires'.
I've erroneously thought if I barreled ahead, God would soon catch on to my plan and follow suit--what a strenuous and tough time that was!
I've told God, yes spoken directly to Him, that what He was asking me to do, participate in, carry out, would be best suited in another's capable hands--He just laughed and continued to lay the ministry opportunity in my lap!
I've bought into my enemy's lies and believed, for short seasons, that I was nothing in God's grand scope of all He wanted to see done--then I realized the error of the lie, put Satan in his place and began once again to believe my Savior!
Where are you? Where are you currently setting up camp?
Today's reading: Acts 4-6
"But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God." Acts 5:39 NLT
Stop-to close by filling or obstructing; to hinder or prevent; to get in the way of; to close up or block off; to make impassable; to cause to give up or change a course of action; to keep from carrying out a proposed action; to cause to cease.
May I ask you to take a quick evaluation of your heart? Can I ask you to pray to pray about the following question? Won't you ponder what God's spoken to my heart--and apply it to your own set of circumstances?
All of us are in one, or more on any given day, of the following camps...
-I think I can stop God's plans.
-I think my lack of skill, abilities, training will thwart God's plans from coming to fruition.
-I think God's plans have nothing at all to do with me.
I'll be quite honest this morning and tell you, I've visited, staked a tent and camped out around each of these 'campfires'.
I've erroneously thought if I barreled ahead, God would soon catch on to my plan and follow suit--what a strenuous and tough time that was!
I've told God, yes spoken directly to Him, that what He was asking me to do, participate in, carry out, would be best suited in another's capable hands--He just laughed and continued to lay the ministry opportunity in my lap!
I've bought into my enemy's lies and believed, for short seasons, that I was nothing in God's grand scope of all He wanted to see done--then I realized the error of the lie, put Satan in his place and began once again to believe my Savior!
Where are you? Where are you currently setting up camp?
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Today's reading: Acts 1-3
"When they realized he was the blind beggar they had seen so often at the Beautiful Gate, they were absolutely astounded!" Acts 3:10 NLT
Astounded-filled with bewilderment or wonder.
I'm ashamed. Utterly ashamed.
I honestly cannot tell you the last time I allowed myself to be astounded by God.
Sure, I've noticed a few sunrises that peaked my interest.
I've noticed the new life springing up out of the cold winter ground.
I've stared into the face of my little boy.
But to be quite honest, the last time God's creation or His plans or His ways completely astounded me--I cannot remember.
That embarrasses me--because I know every day, every moment of every day, He does something that should fill my heart and mind and eyes with wonder.
Not a moment of time passes that He shouldn't leave me speechless.
But I'm not noticing.
I'm not pausing long enough to let the 'Him' of every moment sink in and leave me wide eyed and my mouth hanging open in amazement.
Today I want to notice. Today I want to look to be astounded by God.
Today's reading: Acts 1-3
"When they realized he was the blind beggar they had seen so often at the Beautiful Gate, they were absolutely astounded!" Acts 3:10 NLT
Astounded-filled with bewilderment or wonder.
I'm ashamed. Utterly ashamed.
I honestly cannot tell you the last time I allowed myself to be astounded by God.
Sure, I've noticed a few sunrises that peaked my interest.
I've noticed the new life springing up out of the cold winter ground.
I've stared into the face of my little boy.
But to be quite honest, the last time God's creation or His plans or His ways completely astounded me--I cannot remember.
That embarrasses me--because I know every day, every moment of every day, He does something that should fill my heart and mind and eyes with wonder.
Not a moment of time passes that He shouldn't leave me speechless.
But I'm not noticing.
I'm not pausing long enough to let the 'Him' of every moment sink in and leave me wide eyed and my mouth hanging open in amazement.
Today I want to notice. Today I want to look to be astounded by God.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 38-41
"I have not kept this good news hidden in my heart; I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power. I have told everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing love and faithfulness." Psalm 40:10 NLT
Hidden-being out of sight or not readily apparent; obscure; not easily found or recognized.
A friend of mine has a pre-school aged son who is a hoot!
This little guy keeps all of us entertained with his antics, his quirky behavior and his use of grown-up words coming from a tiny body.
Like last week...
Last week my friend informed me of this little guy's refusal to say his memory verse in his church class.
It's not that he didn't know it. He did.
He clammed up when it came to saying it to his teachers. Wouldn't open his mouth for anything. Not a peep.
When asked why he wouldn't say the memory verse he very clearly knew, the little guy's answer was this, 'I'm hiding it in my heart.'
Yes, it's scriptural. Yes, it's guaranteed, by God's Word, to always be in him. Yes, at a point in time when it's needed, that seed will be there ready to sprout. But this time, in this instance, at this point in this little man's biblical education--he missed getting his 'patch' because he kept it hidden. He didn't get the evening's reward because of his unwillingness to share what he knew.
How many 'patches' are you and I missing out on because we aren't sharing with the world about God's faithfulness in our lives?
Are we clamming up?
Are we keeping it to ourselves?
Are we saving it for a better time, a more opportune moment, a grander audience?
Are we thinking our presentation might be lacking, our words not grammatically correct or our stories not interesting enough?
We must tell the world what God's done for us...not hide it from them.
We cannot keep it hidden.
Today's reading: Psalm 38-41
"I have not kept this good news hidden in my heart; I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power. I have told everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing love and faithfulness." Psalm 40:10 NLT
Hidden-being out of sight or not readily apparent; obscure; not easily found or recognized.
A friend of mine has a pre-school aged son who is a hoot!
This little guy keeps all of us entertained with his antics, his quirky behavior and his use of grown-up words coming from a tiny body.
Like last week...
Last week my friend informed me of this little guy's refusal to say his memory verse in his church class.
It's not that he didn't know it. He did.
He clammed up when it came to saying it to his teachers. Wouldn't open his mouth for anything. Not a peep.
When asked why he wouldn't say the memory verse he very clearly knew, the little guy's answer was this, 'I'm hiding it in my heart.'
Yes, it's scriptural. Yes, it's guaranteed, by God's Word, to always be in him. Yes, at a point in time when it's needed, that seed will be there ready to sprout. But this time, in this instance, at this point in this little man's biblical education--he missed getting his 'patch' because he kept it hidden. He didn't get the evening's reward because of his unwillingness to share what he knew.
How many 'patches' are you and I missing out on because we aren't sharing with the world about God's faithfulness in our lives?
Are we clamming up?
Are we keeping it to ourselves?
Are we saving it for a better time, a more opportune moment, a grander audience?
Are we thinking our presentation might be lacking, our words not grammatically correct or our stories not interesting enough?
We must tell the world what God's done for us...not hide it from them.
We cannot keep it hidden.
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 35-37
"I will praise him from the bottom of my heart; Lord who can compare with you? Who else rescues the weak and helpless from the strong? Who else protects the poor and needy from those who want to rob them?" Psalm 35:10 NLT
Bottom-the lowest part or place; the remotest or inmost point; the most basic or central part.
That's how I feel when I read the description of David's worship compared to my own.
I give surface salutations to my King.
I offer quick and easy responses to His greatness.
I sing the songs by simply saying the words not meaning what they say.
I provide Him with the required times and days, but seldom my whole being, as David did.
What's wrong with me?
He deserves praise from the bottom of my heart! He is owed reverence from my very bones! He is worthy, oh so worthy!
Who can compare to You?
Today's reading: Psalm 35-37
"I will praise him from the bottom of my heart; Lord who can compare with you? Who else rescues the weak and helpless from the strong? Who else protects the poor and needy from those who want to rob them?" Psalm 35:10 NLT
Bottom-the lowest part or place; the remotest or inmost point; the most basic or central part.
That's how I feel when I read the description of David's worship compared to my own.
I give surface salutations to my King.
I offer quick and easy responses to His greatness.
I sing the songs by simply saying the words not meaning what they say.
I provide Him with the required times and days, but seldom my whole being, as David did.
What's wrong with me?
He deserves praise from the bottom of my heart! He is owed reverence from my very bones! He is worthy, oh so worthy!
Who can compare to You?
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 31-3
"Let the godly sing with joy to the Lord, for it is fitting to praise him." Psalm 33:1 NLT
Fitting-appropriate to the situation; suitable for.
Praise, true, heartfelt praise, has absolutely nothing to do with us--and all to do with God.
It's not a matter of if we want to--
It's not simply because it might be the right time--
It's not just because it is proper and would look good among the other believers--
It should roll off our lips because of Who He is.
It should permeate our lives because of the characteristics He demonstrates.
It should fill our conversations because of how amazing He is.
So, this is the question this I praising Him because it is fitting, or because it fits my mood?
Today's reading: Psalm 31-3
"Let the godly sing with joy to the Lord, for it is fitting to praise him." Psalm 33:1 NLT
Fitting-appropriate to the situation; suitable for.
Praise, true, heartfelt praise, has absolutely nothing to do with us--and all to do with God.
It's not a matter of if we want to--
It's not simply because it might be the right time--
It's not just because it is proper and would look good among the other believers--
It should roll off our lips because of Who He is.
It should permeate our lives because of the characteristics He demonstrates.
It should fill our conversations because of how amazing He is.
So, this is the question this I praising Him because it is fitting, or because it fits my mood?
Friday, April 6, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 26-30
"The one thing I ask of the Lord--the one thing I seek most--is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock. Then I will hold my head high, above my enemies who surround me..." Psalm 27:4-6 NLT
Hide-to conceal for shelter or protection.
Maybe the heartaches seem heavy...
Maybe the storm rages...
Maybe the dark days grow longer and darker...
Maybe the attacks come more frequently and more intensely...
Maybe your strength is waning...
Maybe your faith is beginning to waver...
And you read that He hides you? That He sets you in a place of protection? That He is keeping you out of reach of the enemy?
Yes, He does!
Hold your head up high, dear friend, for we have no clue what He is keeping us from. What horrors He has withheld from our lives. What depths of hurt He is keeping us from. What battles He is rescuing us from having to fight. What protection He is providing. What safety He offers close to Him.
As tough as it is, think how much worse it would be without Him!
Today's reading: Psalm 26-30
"The one thing I ask of the Lord--the one thing I seek most--is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord's perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock. Then I will hold my head high, above my enemies who surround me..." Psalm 27:4-6 NLT
Hide-to conceal for shelter or protection.
Maybe the heartaches seem heavy...
Maybe the storm rages...
Maybe the dark days grow longer and darker...
Maybe the attacks come more frequently and more intensely...
Maybe your strength is waning...
Maybe your faith is beginning to waver...
And you read that He hides you? That He sets you in a place of protection? That He is keeping you out of reach of the enemy?
Yes, He does!
Hold your head up high, dear friend, for we have no clue what He is keeping us from. What horrors He has withheld from our lives. What depths of hurt He is keeping us from. What battles He is rescuing us from having to fight. What protection He is providing. What safety He offers close to Him.
As tough as it is, think how much worse it would be without Him!
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 21-25
"The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need." Psalm 23:1 NLT
Need-to be in want; to require; a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism.
If you were to ask my not-so-little, little guy, one of his mom's most used phrases, I'm going to guess he would say...Is it a need or is it a want?
He was asked that question as he held up candy in the checkout lane.
He was asked that question as he held up his 10,734th little HotWheels car.
He was asked that question as he looked through Christmas catalogs.
He is asked that question every time he gets a new guitar catalog in the mail and he is looking over it drooling.
This morning, God is asking me the same thing.
He has spoken to my heart...
You have me, Malinda--these requests you're presenting to Me, are they needs or wants? Is what you're praying for required? Is it necessary for life? Is it something a relationship with Me is leaving you lacking?
I realize at His feet, I have no needs.
Today's reading: Psalm 21-25
"The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need." Psalm 23:1 NLT
Need-to be in want; to require; a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism.
If you were to ask my not-so-little, little guy, one of his mom's most used phrases, I'm going to guess he would say...Is it a need or is it a want?
He was asked that question as he held up candy in the checkout lane.
He was asked that question as he held up his 10,734th little HotWheels car.
He was asked that question as he looked through Christmas catalogs.
He is asked that question every time he gets a new guitar catalog in the mail and he is looking over it drooling.
This morning, God is asking me the same thing.
He has spoken to my heart...
You have me, Malinda--these requests you're presenting to Me, are they needs or wants? Is what you're praying for required? Is it necessary for life? Is it something a relationship with Me is leaving you lacking?
I realize at His feet, I have no needs.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 11-15
"Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?...Those who despise persistent sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord and keep their promises even when it hurts." Psalm 15:1, 4 NLT
Hurts-inflicting of physical pain; emotion pain or anguish; suffering pain or grief; causing damage or stress; feeling or causing pain.
I am guilty, and maybe you are, too, of thinking this walk with Christ is a practice of the religion of comfort.
We want His peace.
We want His joy.
We want His love.
We want His strength.
We want His blessings.
We want His favor.
We don't want to be uncomfortable in anything we do for Him. We will serve only until it hurts.
But that's not what David tells us true followers of God do.
Being different for God means not always being in a comfortable position, taking a well-liked, or understood, stand or getting just what we want each and every day of our lives.
How closely we follow God is determined by how much we are willing to endure just to be near Him.
Today's reading: Psalm 11-15
"Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?...Those who despise persistent sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord and keep their promises even when it hurts." Psalm 15:1, 4 NLT
Hurts-inflicting of physical pain; emotion pain or anguish; suffering pain or grief; causing damage or stress; feeling or causing pain.
I am guilty, and maybe you are, too, of thinking this walk with Christ is a practice of the religion of comfort.
We want His peace.
We want His joy.
We want His love.
We want His strength.
We want His blessings.
We want His favor.
We don't want to be uncomfortable in anything we do for Him. We will serve only until it hurts.
But that's not what David tells us true followers of God do.
Being different for God means not always being in a comfortable position, taking a well-liked, or understood, stand or getting just what we want each and every day of our lives.
How closely we follow God is determined by how much we are willing to endure just to be near Him.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 6-10
"My enemies turn away in retreat; they are overthrown and destroyed before you. For you have judged in my favor; from your throne, you have judged with fairness." Psalm 9:3-4 NLT
Retreat-to withdraw; to move back or get away from danger, attack, etc; to move or go away from a place or situation especially because it is dangerous, unpleasant, etc.
I believe it's time I began to pray and believe what this verse tells me: my enemies have tucked tail and run.
My Deliverer has stood up against them.
My Redeemer has bought me back, I no longer belong to my accusers, belittle-ers, the ones who lie about me.
My Rock stands as a impenetrable fortress and shield before me.
My King has overtaken the land of my heart and will not longer allow squatters.
My Shepherd stands over me with His rod and staff poised at the prowling lions.
My Friend has my back.
My Father protects His child with all He has, all He is and all He needs.
No more weak, worthless prayers of desperation...No more whimpering cries of hopelessness...No more forlorn wailing of a helpless, defeated soldier!
My God is for me!
My God has won!
My God wants me to walk in the victory He gave me through the life, death, burial and resurrection of His Son!
Today's reading: Psalm 6-10
"My enemies turn away in retreat; they are overthrown and destroyed before you. For you have judged in my favor; from your throne, you have judged with fairness." Psalm 9:3-4 NLT
Retreat-to withdraw; to move back or get away from danger, attack, etc; to move or go away from a place or situation especially because it is dangerous, unpleasant, etc.
I believe it's time I began to pray and believe what this verse tells me: my enemies have tucked tail and run.
My Deliverer has stood up against them.
My Redeemer has bought me back, I no longer belong to my accusers, belittle-ers, the ones who lie about me.
My Rock stands as a impenetrable fortress and shield before me.
My King has overtaken the land of my heart and will not longer allow squatters.
My Shepherd stands over me with His rod and staff poised at the prowling lions.
My Friend has my back.
My Father protects His child with all He has, all He is and all He needs.
No more weak, worthless prayers of desperation...No more whimpering cries of hopelessness...No more forlorn wailing of a helpless, defeated soldier!
My God is for me!
My God has won!
My God wants me to walk in the victory He gave me through the life, death, burial and resurrection of His Son!
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 1-5
"You can be sure of this: The Lord has set apart the godly for himself. The Lord will answer when I call to him." Psalm 4:3 NLT
Sure-reliable; trustworthy; characterized by a lack of wavering or hesitation; not having any doubt; not allowing any doubt or possibility of failure.
So few things can we be sure of.
The weather changes plans.
Abilities affect projects.
Time restraints influence strategies.
Political power sways the most staunch.
Attitudes influence actions.
People let us down.
Money restricts dreams.
But God? God is our surety. Nothing influences, changes or affects Him.
Of all the things we cannot be sure of, He is the One of Whom we can be sure!
Today's reading: Psalm 1-5
"You can be sure of this: The Lord has set apart the godly for himself. The Lord will answer when I call to him." Psalm 4:3 NLT
Sure-reliable; trustworthy; characterized by a lack of wavering or hesitation; not having any doubt; not allowing any doubt or possibility of failure.
So few things can we be sure of.
The weather changes plans.
Abilities affect projects.
Time restraints influence strategies.
Political power sways the most staunch.
Attitudes influence actions.
People let us down.
Money restricts dreams.
But God? God is our surety. Nothing influences, changes or affects Him.
Of all the things we cannot be sure of, He is the One of Whom we can be sure!
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