Today's reading: Joshua 21-24
A quick summation of events: The tribes of Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh found the land on the un-Canaan side of the Jordan River much to their liking. They sought God's favor in asking for it and received His blessing--on one condition: The tribes had to help the Canaan-bound Israelites conquer and secure the Promised Land. They agreed. They did. They were blessed by God and by Joshua when the battles were over and peace reigned, then sent on their way to their homes.
Then comes this verse. It occurs as they ready themselves to cross the Jordan River. The returning soldiers decide to build an altar to God--not to worship, but to remind. Trouble is sparked. Rumors run rampant. Assumptions are made. The high council of priests scurry to the scene--desiring to get down to the bottom of this sacrilege, to 'nip in the bud' this nonsense of idol worship.
"We have built this altar because we fear that in the future your descendants will say to ours, What right do you have to worship the Lord, the God of Israel?" Joshua 22:24 NLT
Could it be the tribes of Reuben, Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh could foretell the future? Surely no one would ever forget their part in the conquering of Canaan? Their bloodlines going all the way back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Their participation in the forty-year trek? Their stand and oath and vow to worship the Lord God of Israel, and only the Lord God of Israel?
The pile of rocks put together and argued over that day wasn't for the non-Canaan residents--it was for the 'church going folks' residing in the Promised Land!
Nothing's changed from that day to this. We, the church, are becoming very critical. Fault-finding. Judgemental.
We guage one's privilege of being a part of the church by such things as heritage, worship-style, fashion sense--and dare I say it, social class. We sequester our godly selves into our comfortable and cloned cliques--allowing no one to enter, no one to leave. We train our kids to play with a certain number of church-kids. We participate only in projects, ministries and outreach opportunities organized by certain member of our houses of worship.
Might I ask a simple question: Isn't that what the pile of rocks was to prevent?
Who are any of us? What right do any of us have to worship God? How dare one of us declare ourselves worthy coming before Him?
I'm not so sure we all, at our individual churches, need a pile of rocks to step around as we go into God's house to worship!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Today's reading: Genesis 16-19
"When Lot still hesitated, the angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for the Lord was merciful." Genesis 19:16 NLT
Of all the things I've asked before, this may be one of the most awkward requests I've made. I'm not sure how to word it as to make it sound godly enough, you see, King James English won't even help.
It's just that when I read the account of Job and his family hesitating at the edge of the city, steps away from the safety of your grace, I think of myself, my loved ones and my friends: We all need that moment of mercy afforded by You.
So, in the best way I can ask, with all the religious fervor I can muster, in all the spirituality I can gather, I'll ask...
Won't You give us a shove?
Push us ever so gently out of our comfortable boxes. Pull us along with You. Maneuver us into positions You can bless. Pressure us into obedience. Use your muscle to lean into us in the right direction.
You love us enough to do it. You know us enough to know we need it. You are more than capable of getting the job done in love.
So, I'll ask again, give us a little shove.
Today's reading: Genesis 16-19
"When Lot still hesitated, the angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for the Lord was merciful." Genesis 19:16 NLT
Of all the things I've asked before, this may be one of the most awkward requests I've made. I'm not sure how to word it as to make it sound godly enough, you see, King James English won't even help.
It's just that when I read the account of Job and his family hesitating at the edge of the city, steps away from the safety of your grace, I think of myself, my loved ones and my friends: We all need that moment of mercy afforded by You.
So, in the best way I can ask, with all the religious fervor I can muster, in all the spirituality I can gather, I'll ask...
Won't You give us a shove?
Push us ever so gently out of our comfortable boxes. Pull us along with You. Maneuver us into positions You can bless. Pressure us into obedience. Use your muscle to lean into us in the right direction.
You love us enough to do it. You know us enough to know we need it. You are more than capable of getting the job done in love.
So, I'll ask again, give us a little shove.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Today's reading: Romans 9-10
"As the Scriptures tell us, Anyone who believes in him will not be disappointed." Romans 10:11 NLT
Ever been disappointed? In someone, in something, in some happening, in some unkept promise?
Ever knew better, but placed trust somewhere it didn't belong?
Ever believed wholeheartedly, only to have the rug pulled out from under you?
Ever been told God is the ONLY one who will not/can not/would not disappoint?
Will He be misunderstood at times? Yes.
Will His ways seem wrong, ungodly or downright mean? Sometimes.
Will what He promises always come true? Yes, and a thousand times, yes!
Place your trust in the One worthy of it. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Today's reading: Romans 9-10
"As the Scriptures tell us, Anyone who believes in him will not be disappointed." Romans 10:11 NLT
Ever been disappointed? In someone, in something, in some happening, in some unkept promise?
Ever knew better, but placed trust somewhere it didn't belong?
Ever believed wholeheartedly, only to have the rug pulled out from under you?
Ever been told God is the ONLY one who will not/can not/would not disappoint?
Will He be misunderstood at times? Yes.
Will His ways seem wrong, ungodly or downright mean? Sometimes.
Will what He promises always come true? Yes, and a thousand times, yes!
Place your trust in the One worthy of it. Satisfaction guaranteed!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Today's reading: Matthew 8-10
"Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, Go on home. What you have believed has happened. And the young servant was healed that same hour." Matthew 8:13 NLT
The father had enough faith in Christ to go to where Jesus was.
The father had enough faith to wait among the throngs of hurting people.
The father had enough faith to speak to the Son of God.
The father had enough faith, and this is where I fall so short, to believe what Jesus spoke, see no evidence and walk back home with expectation.
That's faith.
Today's reading: Matthew 8-10
"Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, Go on home. What you have believed has happened. And the young servant was healed that same hour." Matthew 8:13 NLT
The father had enough faith in Christ to go to where Jesus was.
The father had enough faith to wait among the throngs of hurting people.
The father had enough faith to speak to the Son of God.
The father had enough faith, and this is where I fall so short, to believe what Jesus spoke, see no evidence and walk back home with expectation.
That's faith.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Today's reading: Isaiah 18-22
"In that day the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians. Yes, they will know the Lord and will give their sacrifices and offerings to him. They will make promises to the Lord and keep them. The Lord will strike Egypt in a way that will bring healing. For the Egyptians will turn to the Lord, and he will listen to their pleas and heal them." Isaiah 19:21-22 NLT
The Egyptians?. The ones who enslaved, chained, broke and attempted to irradicate God's chosen people, given a chance? Mercy? Hope? Forgiveness?
Sounds impossible. Makes no human sense. Goes above and beyond what anyone would expect or believe.
But, isn't that just like God?
Healing for broken, tainted and twisted hearts. Grace given. Salvation offered. Pasts forgiven. Relationships renewed.
Today's reading: Isaiah 18-22
"In that day the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians. Yes, they will know the Lord and will give their sacrifices and offerings to him. They will make promises to the Lord and keep them. The Lord will strike Egypt in a way that will bring healing. For the Egyptians will turn to the Lord, and he will listen to their pleas and heal them." Isaiah 19:21-22 NLT
The Egyptians?. The ones who enslaved, chained, broke and attempted to irradicate God's chosen people, given a chance? Mercy? Hope? Forgiveness?
Sounds impossible. Makes no human sense. Goes above and beyond what anyone would expect or believe.
But, isn't that just like God?
Healing for broken, tainted and twisted hearts. Grace given. Salvation offered. Pasts forgiven. Relationships renewed.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Today's reading: Job 7-8
"Why won't you leave me alone--even for a moment?" Job 7:19 NLT
Did Job really mean it? Oh, I understand he was given, within a very short amount of time, a very large dose of discomfort, pain and anguish. But would he ever, would we ever, actually ask God to leave him alone?
The very thought that God might do just that scares me to death!
You see, left to my own devices I am hopeless. Abandonded to go and do in my own strength I am helpless. Orphaned in a dark world my little light flickers, faulters and fails. Alone I am able to accomplish little. Given the full responsibility of making my body function, the world spin and the seasons change would lead to chaos.
Do we ever mumble the same words Job spoke? Of course we do--we're sinful, we're prideful, we're worn out and we're imperfect. But mean it? Actually intend for God to vacate the premises? To step out of the picture of our lives?
We couldn't handle it for a millisecond!
Today's reading: Job 7-8
"Why won't you leave me alone--even for a moment?" Job 7:19 NLT
Did Job really mean it? Oh, I understand he was given, within a very short amount of time, a very large dose of discomfort, pain and anguish. But would he ever, would we ever, actually ask God to leave him alone?
The very thought that God might do just that scares me to death!
You see, left to my own devices I am hopeless. Abandonded to go and do in my own strength I am helpless. Orphaned in a dark world my little light flickers, faulters and fails. Alone I am able to accomplish little. Given the full responsibility of making my body function, the world spin and the seasons change would lead to chaos.
Do we ever mumble the same words Job spoke? Of course we do--we're sinful, we're prideful, we're worn out and we're imperfect. But mean it? Actually intend for God to vacate the premises? To step out of the picture of our lives?
We couldn't handle it for a millisecond!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 9-11
"Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, have never abandoned anyone who searches for you." Psalm 9:10 NLT
God plays no games.
He does not play hide-and-seek with you during your toughest times, darkest moments or lowest valleys. He is not turning our prayer time into His rendition of Marco Polo--you calling and Him staying just out of reach.
He is there. He is available when you call out to Him. He is not squirreled away for the educated and elite of the church. He has not blanketed His presence in a lot of necessary pretense and showmanship on our part. He does not save rising to the occasion for those of certain lineage, spiritual maturity or denomination. His miracles, His presence and His love are not dealt out according to a hand of cards, a roll of the dice or what the world calls 'fate'.
If there are any games going on--we're the ones playing them!
Today's reading: Psalm 9-11
"Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, have never abandoned anyone who searches for you." Psalm 9:10 NLT
God plays no games.
He does not play hide-and-seek with you during your toughest times, darkest moments or lowest valleys. He is not turning our prayer time into His rendition of Marco Polo--you calling and Him staying just out of reach.
He is there. He is available when you call out to Him. He is not squirreled away for the educated and elite of the church. He has not blanketed His presence in a lot of necessary pretense and showmanship on our part. He does not save rising to the occasion for those of certain lineage, spiritual maturity or denomination. His miracles, His presence and His love are not dealt out according to a hand of cards, a roll of the dice or what the world calls 'fate'.
If there are any games going on--we're the ones playing them!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Today's reading: Joshua 16-20
I'll be the bigger person here and admit it: I have made a very, very poor investment.
No, it's not the GT Express 101 that promised to cut my cooking and cleaning up time in half.
No, it wasn't the Pilates Grande that promised a thinner, more defined body just by owning it.
It wasn't the Avon wrinkle remover cream promising overnight miracles.
It's an investment of my time and energy.
I've bought into satan's lies and deceitful practices. I've allowed his lies to fill my head, adjust my thinking and govern my actions.
The biggest lie I've bought off of him? That 'this' is all there is--and that I deserve no better anyway.
"Then Joshua asked them, How long are you going to wait before taking possession of the remaining land the Lord, the God of Israel, has given you?" Joshua 18:3 NLT
God has given me countless blessings that I have not claimed as of yet. He has numerous rewards for obedience, faithfulness and courage just sitting on a shelf with my name on them. He is not holding back any good thing from my life--if I turn my eyes to Him and set Him as a prize to strive for.
And that's what satan doesn't want me knowing or doing! He's a liar. He is very content with me sitting back and sorely musing about what I've not got, what I can't do and who I'm not becoming...he thinks it is very funny. It's working very well into his plan.
But no more!
I see through to his intentions and tricks. I know he is not on my side, never has been, never will be. I know he has nothing to offer me. He thinks he holds the keys to my happiness, but he's very wrong.
I'm taking possession of what God has set aside for me starting today. I'm not going without any longer. I'm not who I was yesterday. I'm going to complete some pretty amazing things in His power.
Step back satan, I'm spending my time and energy a little more wisely--starting today!
Today's reading: Joshua 16-20
I'll be the bigger person here and admit it: I have made a very, very poor investment.
No, it's not the GT Express 101 that promised to cut my cooking and cleaning up time in half.
No, it wasn't the Pilates Grande that promised a thinner, more defined body just by owning it.
It wasn't the Avon wrinkle remover cream promising overnight miracles.
It's an investment of my time and energy.
I've bought into satan's lies and deceitful practices. I've allowed his lies to fill my head, adjust my thinking and govern my actions.
The biggest lie I've bought off of him? That 'this' is all there is--and that I deserve no better anyway.
"Then Joshua asked them, How long are you going to wait before taking possession of the remaining land the Lord, the God of Israel, has given you?" Joshua 18:3 NLT
God has given me countless blessings that I have not claimed as of yet. He has numerous rewards for obedience, faithfulness and courage just sitting on a shelf with my name on them. He is not holding back any good thing from my life--if I turn my eyes to Him and set Him as a prize to strive for.
And that's what satan doesn't want me knowing or doing! He's a liar. He is very content with me sitting back and sorely musing about what I've not got, what I can't do and who I'm not becoming...he thinks it is very funny. It's working very well into his plan.
But no more!
I see through to his intentions and tricks. I know he is not on my side, never has been, never will be. I know he has nothing to offer me. He thinks he holds the keys to my happiness, but he's very wrong.
I'm taking possession of what God has set aside for me starting today. I'm not going without any longer. I'm not who I was yesterday. I'm going to complete some pretty amazing things in His power.
Step back satan, I'm spending my time and energy a little more wisely--starting today!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Today's reading: Genesis 12-15
"Then the Lord told Abram, Leave your country, your relatives and your father's house, and go to the land that I will show you." Genesis 12:1 NLT
Maybe today you're wearing the same sandals Abram was wearing when God spoke to him.
--Has God asked you to go somewhere you had never planned to go? A place, as of yet, undisclosed, but promised? A place you're not sure you'll even like?
--Has God asked you to step out of your comfy, cozy spot?
--Has God given you a starring role in a life script you had not written, would not have written, and, to be quite honest, don't want to be in?
--Has God urged you to obey, not on the basis of what He would provide you as a reward, but solely on being obedient to your Father?
We've all been given a mission, been issued our traveling orders and, in some cases, been uprooted, and placed on the path towards righteousness kicking and screaming. We've been chosen as ones privileged to be blood-washed, cross-bought and Son-saved...and still have questions for God such as 'Why?, When?, Where?, and Really, Lord?'
We can walk or we can balk. We can smile or we can smirk. We can obey or we can disobey. We can have what we have now--or head on off on the journey He's calling us to take towards all He has planned for us.
I'm not sure what you're planning on doing--but I'm going with Him!
Today's reading: Genesis 12-15
"Then the Lord told Abram, Leave your country, your relatives and your father's house, and go to the land that I will show you." Genesis 12:1 NLT
Maybe today you're wearing the same sandals Abram was wearing when God spoke to him.
--Has God asked you to go somewhere you had never planned to go? A place, as of yet, undisclosed, but promised? A place you're not sure you'll even like?
--Has God asked you to step out of your comfy, cozy spot?
--Has God given you a starring role in a life script you had not written, would not have written, and, to be quite honest, don't want to be in?
--Has God urged you to obey, not on the basis of what He would provide you as a reward, but solely on being obedient to your Father?
We've all been given a mission, been issued our traveling orders and, in some cases, been uprooted, and placed on the path towards righteousness kicking and screaming. We've been chosen as ones privileged to be blood-washed, cross-bought and Son-saved...and still have questions for God such as 'Why?, When?, Where?, and Really, Lord?'
We can walk or we can balk. We can smile or we can smirk. We can obey or we can disobey. We can have what we have now--or head on off on the journey He's calling us to take towards all He has planned for us.
I'm not sure what you're planning on doing--but I'm going with Him!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Today's reading: Romans 7-8
"The law is good, then. The trouble is not with the law but with me, because I am sold into slavery, with sin as my master." Romans 7:14 NLT
Isaiah's been studying the thirteen original colonies in Social Studies the past week. He is learning about the religious freedoms that drove folks from one country to find another. He's learned about the hard work it took for the newly planted Americans to settle and build up villages, governments and laws. He's also learned about slavery.
He shakes his head as he tells me he cannot really believe a person could think they own another person.
Then I have to burst his bubble to let him know slavery, of differing sorts, still occurs today.
Sexual slavery. Debt slavery. Possession slavery. Caste system slavery. And, one from which his own mother can speak, spiritual slavery.
We've all been chained by sin's effects on our lives--some of us still, quite possibly.
We've all been defined by our choices, by our past, by our 'masters'.
We've all shrunk in humiliation at where we once were, what we once did, who we once were, the slavery of our pasts.
This week I can explain, thanks to the Social Studies book, about who might be wanting to own him as a slave so he'll beware!
Today's reading: Romans 7-8
"The law is good, then. The trouble is not with the law but with me, because I am sold into slavery, with sin as my master." Romans 7:14 NLT
Isaiah's been studying the thirteen original colonies in Social Studies the past week. He is learning about the religious freedoms that drove folks from one country to find another. He's learned about the hard work it took for the newly planted Americans to settle and build up villages, governments and laws. He's also learned about slavery.
He shakes his head as he tells me he cannot really believe a person could think they own another person.
Then I have to burst his bubble to let him know slavery, of differing sorts, still occurs today.
Sexual slavery. Debt slavery. Possession slavery. Caste system slavery. And, one from which his own mother can speak, spiritual slavery.
We've all been chained by sin's effects on our lives--some of us still, quite possibly.
We've all been defined by our choices, by our past, by our 'masters'.
We've all shrunk in humiliation at where we once were, what we once did, who we once were, the slavery of our pasts.
This week I can explain, thanks to the Social Studies book, about who might be wanting to own him as a slave so he'll beware!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Today's reading: Matthew 5-7
"Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7 NLT
I'm asking again this morning, Lord.
Yes, the same list. Few variances on yesterday's prayer. The same folks, the same needs, the same desires, the same sins.
You're the One who tells me to keep asking.
So, I'm here again.
So, I'll ask again.
So, I'll begin the day with expectaions--again!
Today's reading: Matthew 5-7
"Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7 NLT
I'm asking again this morning, Lord.
Yes, the same list. Few variances on yesterday's prayer. The same folks, the same needs, the same desires, the same sins.
You're the One who tells me to keep asking.
So, I'm here again.
So, I'll ask again.
So, I'll begin the day with expectaions--again!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Today's reading: Isaiah 12-15
"With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation." Isaiah 12:3 NLT
"Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." Isaiah 12:3 NKJV
Do I have the joy of my salvation?
From what I see, it's something I'm called on to do--and to have a part in getting.
A well requires work. A 'drawing' summons some elbow grease. A long drink takes a little time out of my scheduled day.
But when I think of what His salvation has saved me from--joy wells up!
When I pause long enough to ponder what my salvation will reward me with--joy springs forth!
When I stop to meditate on the scope of my salvation, the heighths, the depths, the fathoms to which His blood forgives and cleanses--joy splashes all about me!
Salvation is not just to be sprinkled upon us in one prayerful act. It's joy waiting to be showered down, sprayed on, jumped through, poured out on others, felt through our porest and soaked into our very beings.
Today's reading: Isaiah 12-15
"With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation." Isaiah 12:3 NLT
"Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." Isaiah 12:3 NKJV
Do I have the joy of my salvation?
From what I see, it's something I'm called on to do--and to have a part in getting.
A well requires work. A 'drawing' summons some elbow grease. A long drink takes a little time out of my scheduled day.
But when I think of what His salvation has saved me from--joy wells up!
When I pause long enough to ponder what my salvation will reward me with--joy springs forth!
When I stop to meditate on the scope of my salvation, the heighths, the depths, the fathoms to which His blood forgives and cleanses--joy splashes all about me!
Salvation is not just to be sprinkled upon us in one prayerful act. It's joy waiting to be showered down, sprayed on, jumped through, poured out on others, felt through our porest and soaked into our very beings.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Today's reading: Job 5-6
"My brother, you have proved as unreliable as a seasonal brook that overflows its banks in the spring, when it is swollen with ice and melting snow. But when the hot weather arrives, the water disappears. The brook vanishes in the heat." Job 6:15-16 NLT
I enjoy walking outside--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and there are no annoying neighborhood dogs yipping at my heels.
I enjoy horseback riding--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and the horses are behaving well.
I enjoy gardening--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and the weeds are few.
I enjoy hiking--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and all snakes have been removed from the area.
I enjoy camping--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and the sleeping bag is as comfy as my own bed and the bathroom facilities are top notch.
I am a fair weather kind of gal.
I never thought much about it until this verse hit me between the eyes with its conviction of my faith.
I serve and praise Him when the sun is shining. I support friends and pray for them when my plate isn't too full of other things to do. I encourage and quote verses when my mind is wrapped around God's goodness and not overwhelmed with satan's tactics. I bless my family with my godly living when they're doing their best to live in godly ways, too.
Like a brook that dries up. Gushing in season, dry as a bone at other times. Unreliable. Non-commital. Wavering. Faithless.
If my faith is based on God's goodness, His love and His unchangability--then why should it ever look like a roller coaster ride...up and down, down and up, up and down?
Today's reading: Job 5-6
"My brother, you have proved as unreliable as a seasonal brook that overflows its banks in the spring, when it is swollen with ice and melting snow. But when the hot weather arrives, the water disappears. The brook vanishes in the heat." Job 6:15-16 NLT
I enjoy walking outside--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and there are no annoying neighborhood dogs yipping at my heels.
I enjoy horseback riding--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and the horses are behaving well.
I enjoy gardening--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and the weeds are few.
I enjoy hiking--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and all snakes have been removed from the area.
I enjoy camping--when it's around 65 degrees, the sun is shining and the sleeping bag is as comfy as my own bed and the bathroom facilities are top notch.
I am a fair weather kind of gal.
I never thought much about it until this verse hit me between the eyes with its conviction of my faith.
I serve and praise Him when the sun is shining. I support friends and pray for them when my plate isn't too full of other things to do. I encourage and quote verses when my mind is wrapped around God's goodness and not overwhelmed with satan's tactics. I bless my family with my godly living when they're doing their best to live in godly ways, too.
Like a brook that dries up. Gushing in season, dry as a bone at other times. Unreliable. Non-commital. Wavering. Faithless.
If my faith is based on God's goodness, His love and His unchangability--then why should it ever look like a roller coaster ride...up and down, down and up, up and down?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 6-8
"When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers--the moon and the stars you have set in place--what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us?" Psalm 8:3-4 NLT
This morning I am overwhelmed with the importance God places on me. All of us, really.
That in all His creativity and craftsmanship, He chose to make us in His image, give us His breath and provide us with eternal life through His own flesh and blood.
That He spun the galaxies into an order that supports our life, provides our food and astounds us with splendor.
That His concoction of gases in the atmosphere sustains us.
That His gravitational pull keeps our feet on the ground and our hearts always yearning for Him.
That the miracle of birth and death He sees, approves of and has set into motion for each and every one of us--specifically.
That the sun, moon and stars, creatures big and small, weather patterns and seasonal changes that He has control over are less important to Him than we are.
That what I cannot see, cannot foretell and cannot fathom is safe in His hands.
I feel bigger this morning. I feel more important than I did. I feel blessed. I feel the Lord's presence in the simplicity of these verses!
Today's reading: Psalm 6-8
"When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers--the moon and the stars you have set in place--what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us?" Psalm 8:3-4 NLT
This morning I am overwhelmed with the importance God places on me. All of us, really.
That in all His creativity and craftsmanship, He chose to make us in His image, give us His breath and provide us with eternal life through His own flesh and blood.
That He spun the galaxies into an order that supports our life, provides our food and astounds us with splendor.
That His concoction of gases in the atmosphere sustains us.
That His gravitational pull keeps our feet on the ground and our hearts always yearning for Him.
That the miracle of birth and death He sees, approves of and has set into motion for each and every one of us--specifically.
That the sun, moon and stars, creatures big and small, weather patterns and seasonal changes that He has control over are less important to Him than we are.
That what I cannot see, cannot foretell and cannot fathom is safe in His hands.
I feel bigger this morning. I feel more important than I did. I feel blessed. I feel the Lord's presence in the simplicity of these verses!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Today's reading: Joshua 11-15
"But Moses gave no land to the tribe of Levi, for the Lord, the God of Israel, had promised to be their inheritance." Joshua 12:33 NLT
If at the end of life you will have received no more than entrance into a glorious eternity, would it be enough?
If your Christian walk were to be littered only with heartache, pain and sorrow, would the promise of His welcoming arms keep you heading towards heaven?
If no material blessings were to come your way?
If no rainbows came after your storms?
No mountain tops?
No still waters or green pastures?
If God were all you were to receive after a lifetime here, would He be enough?
Today's reading: Joshua 11-15
"But Moses gave no land to the tribe of Levi, for the Lord, the God of Israel, had promised to be their inheritance." Joshua 12:33 NLT
If at the end of life you will have received no more than entrance into a glorious eternity, would it be enough?
If your Christian walk were to be littered only with heartache, pain and sorrow, would the promise of His welcoming arms keep you heading towards heaven?
If no material blessings were to come your way?
If no rainbows came after your storms?
No mountain tops?
No still waters or green pastures?
If God were all you were to receive after a lifetime here, would He be enough?
Monday, January 16, 2012
Today's reading: Genesis 8-11
"But God remembered Noah and all the animals in the boat..." Genesis 8:1 NLT
There's something a little comical about God needing to put a verse like this in the Bible.
We know God doesn't forget anything. We know His mind is capable of multi-tasking to the nth degree. We are well aware of the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing, is out of His radar!
Funny, huh?
Well, it might be if we weren't all caught up in the overwhelming feelings of being forgotten that we all experience from time to time.
Like during storms that rage for days and days. Illnesses that linger months and months. Trials that go on and on. Heartaches that have lasted longer than any of us would have ever imagined.
We do feel forgotten. We do feel like we're in a little boat floating in the middle of nowhere--loaded down with a bunch of animals, the smells that go with them and the souveniers you get when animals are around.
God has not forgotten us! Our prayer requests have not slipped under the doodle pad on His desk. Our messages have not failed to arrive. He may have us on hold, but He has not forgotten our call!
Maybe it's time we reminded satan of it all! After all, he is the one placing the seeds of doubt into our hearts and minds--and boy, oh boy, is it ever fertile soil!
Today's reading: Genesis 8-11
"But God remembered Noah and all the animals in the boat..." Genesis 8:1 NLT
There's something a little comical about God needing to put a verse like this in the Bible.
We know God doesn't forget anything. We know His mind is capable of multi-tasking to the nth degree. We are well aware of the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing, is out of His radar!
Funny, huh?
Well, it might be if we weren't all caught up in the overwhelming feelings of being forgotten that we all experience from time to time.
Like during storms that rage for days and days. Illnesses that linger months and months. Trials that go on and on. Heartaches that have lasted longer than any of us would have ever imagined.
We do feel forgotten. We do feel like we're in a little boat floating in the middle of nowhere--loaded down with a bunch of animals, the smells that go with them and the souveniers you get when animals are around.
God has not forgotten us! Our prayer requests have not slipped under the doodle pad on His desk. Our messages have not failed to arrive. He may have us on hold, but He has not forgotten our call!
Maybe it's time we reminded satan of it all! After all, he is the one placing the seeds of doubt into our hearts and minds--and boy, oh boy, is it ever fertile soil!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Today's reading: Romans 5-6
"Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory." Romans 5:2 NLT
As a saved, blood-bought, redeemed, born-again, ransomed child of God, I stand in a place of not only privilege, but highest privilege. You do, too...if you are His.
We hold not just any old spot, but a spot He has brought us to, placed us in and has acquired just for us.
We gain it by believing in His Son, in His Son's death on the cross and in the resurrection of that Son out of death and into victory.
What are we doing where we stand?
What are we doing with the awesome opportunity this place affords us?
Who are we attracting into the Kingdom by this place we occupy?
What are we participating in with this life-changing faith?
It's not just where we stand, brothers and sisters, it's what we do while we're standing!
Today's reading: Romans 5-6
"Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory." Romans 5:2 NLT
As a saved, blood-bought, redeemed, born-again, ransomed child of God, I stand in a place of not only privilege, but highest privilege. You do, too...if you are His.
We hold not just any old spot, but a spot He has brought us to, placed us in and has acquired just for us.
We gain it by believing in His Son, in His Son's death on the cross and in the resurrection of that Son out of death and into victory.
What are we doing where we stand?
What are we doing with the awesome opportunity this place affords us?
Who are we attracting into the Kingdom by this place we occupy?
What are we participating in with this life-changing faith?
It's not just where we stand, brothers and sisters, it's what we do while we're standing!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Today's reading: Matthew 3-4
"Then the devil went away..." Matthew 4:11 NLT
Is it that the news you're waiting for? The relief you're needing? The moment of victory you're anticipating?
Well, it's coming--but as in the case of Christ, it's going to take you knowing, quoting and believing alot of Scripture before it happens!
Are you in the Word often enough to know, by heart and head, some sections of Scripture that will defeat satan as he tempts, torments and tests you?
Do you read the Bible regularly? Are you ingesting verses of victory?
The devil will go away, he's very limited in what, when and where he can attack us--and I believe he is allergic to God's Word!
Today's reading: Matthew 3-4
"Then the devil went away..." Matthew 4:11 NLT
Is it that the news you're waiting for? The relief you're needing? The moment of victory you're anticipating?
Well, it's coming--but as in the case of Christ, it's going to take you knowing, quoting and believing alot of Scripture before it happens!
Are you in the Word often enough to know, by heart and head, some sections of Scripture that will defeat satan as he tempts, torments and tests you?
Do you read the Bible regularly? Are you ingesting verses of victory?
The devil will go away, he's very limited in what, when and where he can attack us--and I believe he is allergic to God's Word!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Today's reading: Isaiah 7-11
"Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear him, you need fear nothing else." Isaiah 8:13 NLT
We're going to participate in an exercise of faith this morning.
Together we're going to literally and figuratively, walk to the spot in our individual homes where we jot down lists. It might be that yours is kept on the fridge with a magnet, on the desk with other papers or on your countertop. Where ever it might be--go there.
Rifle through your papers and find your 'list of things you're afraid of'.
Are you holding it in your hands? Glance over it. I'm guessing I can guess several of the items you've penned--cancer, death, failure, financial ruin, job loss, sickness, bills?
We hold very similar lists.
Okay, on the count of three, let's tear our lists up!
You heard me. We trust, believe in and fear (revere) God, so we needn't fear anything else. Nothing!
Our hope rests in Him. Our futures are planned out by Him. Our joy comes from His bounty. Our very lives come from His mercy and grace.
What on our 'fear list', which is now a pile of shreds, could do that for us?
Today's reading: Isaiah 7-11
"Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear him, you need fear nothing else." Isaiah 8:13 NLT
We're going to participate in an exercise of faith this morning.
Together we're going to literally and figuratively, walk to the spot in our individual homes where we jot down lists. It might be that yours is kept on the fridge with a magnet, on the desk with other papers or on your countertop. Where ever it might be--go there.
Rifle through your papers and find your 'list of things you're afraid of'.
Are you holding it in your hands? Glance over it. I'm guessing I can guess several of the items you've penned--cancer, death, failure, financial ruin, job loss, sickness, bills?
We hold very similar lists.
Okay, on the count of three, let's tear our lists up!
You heard me. We trust, believe in and fear (revere) God, so we needn't fear anything else. Nothing!
Our hope rests in Him. Our futures are planned out by Him. Our joy comes from His bounty. Our very lives come from His mercy and grace.
What on our 'fear list', which is now a pile of shreds, could do that for us?
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Today's reading: Job 3-4
"Does your reverence for God give you no confidence?" Job 4:6 NLT
What does 'reverence' mean? According o Merriam-Webster, it is, 'To offer honor or respect to someone as a divine power.' Some of the related words are adore, deify, glorify, honor, love, regard, dignify and what stunned me, please.
Were you aware that your confidence in God, in His plans, in His abilities, in His faithfulness to keep His promises, pleases Him?
What are you doing with your reverence for God?
Are you walking tall?
Are you facing giants?
Are you climbing?
Are you taking your one step at a time because that's all He's giving you?
Or, do you have any confidence in Him at all?
Today's reading: Job 3-4
"Does your reverence for God give you no confidence?" Job 4:6 NLT
What does 'reverence' mean? According o Merriam-Webster, it is, 'To offer honor or respect to someone as a divine power.' Some of the related words are adore, deify, glorify, honor, love, regard, dignify and what stunned me, please.
Were you aware that your confidence in God, in His plans, in His abilities, in His faithfulness to keep His promises, pleases Him?
What are you doing with your reverence for God?
Are you walking tall?
Are you facing giants?
Are you climbing?
Are you taking your one step at a time because that's all He's giving you?
Or, do you have any confidence in Him at all?
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 3-5
It's Day 11 of the 2012 New Year's Resolutions--and I'm still in the game!
It's Year 11 of the 2000 Read My Bible Everyday Challenge--and I'm still in the game!
It's Year 21, almost 22, of the 1990 Vows Taken To A Great Guy--and I'm still in the game!
It's Hour 1 of the January 11, 2012, Live It For Christ Race--and I'm still in the game!
Pat me on the back if you'd like, but I'm transferring all applause, kudos and congratulatory encouragement over to God. You see, He is the One who has given me anything resembling victory in my life.
Before Him, without Him, my track record stunk!
"Victory comes from you, O Lord..." Psalm 3:8 NLT
I am not capable of living for Jesus without His grace.
I haven't got it in me to remain faithful, loyal and supportive of another faulty human without His guidance.
I had no desire, gumption or mental strength to pick up His Word each and every morning for the past 11 years without His faith Holy Spirit spurring me on.
I have had no history, none what so ever, of ever sticking with resolutions as well as what I have so far this year without His power.
Thanks for thinking I'm 'something', but I'm not. I appreciate your admiring my disciplines and strengths, but they're not mine--they come from the One I hang around with. It's nothing to do with me and everything to do with my teaming up and being coached by the Lord!
And by the way, He's looking for more recruits!
Today's reading: Psalm 3-5
It's Day 11 of the 2012 New Year's Resolutions--and I'm still in the game!
It's Year 11 of the 2000 Read My Bible Everyday Challenge--and I'm still in the game!
It's Year 21, almost 22, of the 1990 Vows Taken To A Great Guy--and I'm still in the game!
It's Hour 1 of the January 11, 2012, Live It For Christ Race--and I'm still in the game!
Pat me on the back if you'd like, but I'm transferring all applause, kudos and congratulatory encouragement over to God. You see, He is the One who has given me anything resembling victory in my life.
Before Him, without Him, my track record stunk!
"Victory comes from you, O Lord..." Psalm 3:8 NLT
I am not capable of living for Jesus without His grace.
I haven't got it in me to remain faithful, loyal and supportive of another faulty human without His guidance.
I had no desire, gumption or mental strength to pick up His Word each and every morning for the past 11 years without His faith Holy Spirit spurring me on.
I have had no history, none what so ever, of ever sticking with resolutions as well as what I have so far this year without His power.
Thanks for thinking I'm 'something', but I'm not. I appreciate your admiring my disciplines and strengths, but they're not mine--they come from the One I hang around with. It's nothing to do with me and everything to do with my teaming up and being coached by the Lord!
And by the way, He's looking for more recruits!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Today's reading: Joshua 6-10
There's something appealing, and oh, so helpful, about God choosing to put the account of Joshua and Jericho in the Bible. It's not just a historical reading, an entertaining article or a simple filler for a few chapters of the Good Book. It's for today!
Take a look at a couple of the verses that jumped off the page at me this morning:
"I have given you Jericho, its king and all its mighty warriors. Your entire army is to march around the city once a day for six days." Joshua 6:1-2 NLT
God told the Israelites, and in turn is telling us, that the victory is theirs. The battle will go to them. They will be the winners when the final scores are tallied. But, and isn't there where most of us stumble, but, they had to do some work themselves!
They had to walk when He told them. They had to walk as often as He told them. They had to walk where He told them. They had to walk how He told them. Specific instructions given for victory.
"Do not shout; do not even talk, Joshua commanded. Not a single word from any of you until I tell you to shout. Then shout!" Joshua 6:10 NLT
Joshua passed along the final instructions God had provided him, and probably did it with a big gulp. You see, he had to tell the 'walkers' that victory was theirs to have, how they must go about attaining it--and he had to tell them to, excuse my words here, 'Shut up and get it done!'
No mumbling. No grumbling. No talking about what might occur. No murmuring. No singing to pass the time. No visiting with your neighbor as you walked the first, fourth or sixth day. No discussing what happened yesterday. No complaints about blisters, sore feet or how hot the sand was!
Then shout!
Save your strength and your words to celebrate the victory.
Think those instructions are just for a band of two million people walking around a desert fortification some two thousand years ago?
Apply Joshua's instructions to whatever it is you're battling today. You see, nothing has changed--if God has spoken victory over your circumstances, then claiming that victory rests solely in your ability to follow His instructions to make it yours!
Go ahead, do just what He says--and save your words to praise Him!
Today's reading: Joshua 6-10
There's something appealing, and oh, so helpful, about God choosing to put the account of Joshua and Jericho in the Bible. It's not just a historical reading, an entertaining article or a simple filler for a few chapters of the Good Book. It's for today!
Take a look at a couple of the verses that jumped off the page at me this morning:
"I have given you Jericho, its king and all its mighty warriors. Your entire army is to march around the city once a day for six days." Joshua 6:1-2 NLT
God told the Israelites, and in turn is telling us, that the victory is theirs. The battle will go to them. They will be the winners when the final scores are tallied. But, and isn't there where most of us stumble, but, they had to do some work themselves!
They had to walk when He told them. They had to walk as often as He told them. They had to walk where He told them. They had to walk how He told them. Specific instructions given for victory.
"Do not shout; do not even talk, Joshua commanded. Not a single word from any of you until I tell you to shout. Then shout!" Joshua 6:10 NLT
Joshua passed along the final instructions God had provided him, and probably did it with a big gulp. You see, he had to tell the 'walkers' that victory was theirs to have, how they must go about attaining it--and he had to tell them to, excuse my words here, 'Shut up and get it done!'
No mumbling. No grumbling. No talking about what might occur. No murmuring. No singing to pass the time. No visiting with your neighbor as you walked the first, fourth or sixth day. No discussing what happened yesterday. No complaints about blisters, sore feet or how hot the sand was!
Then shout!
Save your strength and your words to celebrate the victory.
Think those instructions are just for a band of two million people walking around a desert fortification some two thousand years ago?
Apply Joshua's instructions to whatever it is you're battling today. You see, nothing has changed--if God has spoken victory over your circumstances, then claiming that victory rests solely in your ability to follow His instructions to make it yours!
Go ahead, do just what He says--and save your words to praise Him!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Today's reading: Genesis 4-7
"Pairs of each kind of bird and each kind of animal, large and small alike, will come to you to be kept alive." Genesis 6:20 NLT
How did Noah feel when a pair of tigers rubbed up against his leg, purring like kittens? Was Mrs. Noah as gun-ho about this project when the pair of boa constrictors and the two crocodiles slithered into their home? What about the mosquitoes, spiders and ticks? The bears? The ostriches, with their long necks and nosey personalities?
God had given Noah a 'way' with animals. God gave the animals the knowledge to seek Noah and his family out for safety before the first raindrop hit the ground.
How might it have felt?
How does it feel today?
God has awarded you with His Spirit. He intends us to use the Spirit, and all the power, mercy, love and grace it bestows, to rescue people.
The ones that 'happen' to come up to you in Wal-Mart. The grocery store clerks that bend your ear a little longer than the customers before or after you. The friend that calls out of the blue to ask you about this 'church thing' you've been involved with for years and years. The co-worker that shares their latest doctor's diagnosis and leans heavily on you to 'do what you do'--pray. The family members who must stand beside a casket filled with a heavy, hopeless heart.
God has placed within the Christian's heart a 'way with people'.
There's a flood of unrighteousness and darkness that those we live around need to be rescued from...are you doing it with your whole heart?
Today's reading: Genesis 4-7
"Pairs of each kind of bird and each kind of animal, large and small alike, will come to you to be kept alive." Genesis 6:20 NLT
How did Noah feel when a pair of tigers rubbed up against his leg, purring like kittens? Was Mrs. Noah as gun-ho about this project when the pair of boa constrictors and the two crocodiles slithered into their home? What about the mosquitoes, spiders and ticks? The bears? The ostriches, with their long necks and nosey personalities?
God had given Noah a 'way' with animals. God gave the animals the knowledge to seek Noah and his family out for safety before the first raindrop hit the ground.
How might it have felt?
How does it feel today?
God has awarded you with His Spirit. He intends us to use the Spirit, and all the power, mercy, love and grace it bestows, to rescue people.
The ones that 'happen' to come up to you in Wal-Mart. The grocery store clerks that bend your ear a little longer than the customers before or after you. The friend that calls out of the blue to ask you about this 'church thing' you've been involved with for years and years. The co-worker that shares their latest doctor's diagnosis and leans heavily on you to 'do what you do'--pray. The family members who must stand beside a casket filled with a heavy, hopeless heart.
God has placed within the Christian's heart a 'way with people'.
There's a flood of unrighteousness and darkness that those we live around need to be rescued from...are you doing it with your whole heart?
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Today's reading: Romans 3-4
"...Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is true. As the Scriptures say, He will be proved right in what he says, and he will win his case in court." Romans 3:4 NLT
Our best intentions to help another, do what we can to lighten the load of a friend or stick around during the toughest times our loved ones experience do nothing more than make us out to be the liars the Bible states we are.
Oh, you're right, we try.
Yes, it can be proven that you and I both did, and are doing, what we could.
Our hearts are probably in the right place for ministry--it's just that our hands are tied when it comes to fully and completely carrying out what we promise to others.
Things come up. Situations change. Feelings are hurt. Expenses run low. We forget. Our own storms roll up from the horizon. The list is endless.
But God?
God is capable, willing, excited to and going to do each and everything He has promised. Go ahead, trust Him!
Today's reading: Romans 3-4
"...Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is true. As the Scriptures say, He will be proved right in what he says, and he will win his case in court." Romans 3:4 NLT
Our best intentions to help another, do what we can to lighten the load of a friend or stick around during the toughest times our loved ones experience do nothing more than make us out to be the liars the Bible states we are.
Oh, you're right, we try.
Yes, it can be proven that you and I both did, and are doing, what we could.
Our hearts are probably in the right place for ministry--it's just that our hands are tied when it comes to fully and completely carrying out what we promise to others.
Things come up. Situations change. Feelings are hurt. Expenses run low. We forget. Our own storms roll up from the horizon. The list is endless.
But God?
God is capable, willing, excited to and going to do each and everything He has promised. Go ahead, trust Him!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Today's reading: Matthew 1-2
"They entered the house where the child and his mother, Mary, were, and they fell down before him and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11 NLT
I'm reading, actually re-reading because there is so much to consume within its pages, the book 'The Resolution For Women' by Priscilla Shirer. One of the greatest quotes I can take from it is about the treasures the wise men brought the Baby.
In the author's words, she stated they could worship with what they had because they prepared for just that!
They had filled their treasure chests with things worthy of a King. They knew Who they were looking for and they knew they needed something in their 'reserves' with which to honor Him. They made an effort. They paid a price. They arranged their suitcases to hold fewer of their own things so there would be room for the gifts.
Are we doing the same thing Monday through Saturday for our meeting with the King on Sunday, I wonder?
Has my schedule shown I have made time?
Does my attitude reflect a desire to worship, or one of frustration and busyness?
Are my gifts honed, practiced and available for His use?
I have some re-packing to do--in my heart and in my life-- in order to get this done correctly!
Today's reading: Matthew 1-2
"They entered the house where the child and his mother, Mary, were, and they fell down before him and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11 NLT
I'm reading, actually re-reading because there is so much to consume within its pages, the book 'The Resolution For Women' by Priscilla Shirer. One of the greatest quotes I can take from it is about the treasures the wise men brought the Baby.
In the author's words, she stated they could worship with what they had because they prepared for just that!
They had filled their treasure chests with things worthy of a King. They knew Who they were looking for and they knew they needed something in their 'reserves' with which to honor Him. They made an effort. They paid a price. They arranged their suitcases to hold fewer of their own things so there would be room for the gifts.
Are we doing the same thing Monday through Saturday for our meeting with the King on Sunday, I wonder?
Has my schedule shown I have made time?
Does my attitude reflect a desire to worship, or one of frustration and busyness?
Are my gifts honed, practiced and available for His use?
I have some re-packing to do--in my heart and in my life-- in order to get this done correctly!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Today's reading: Job 1-2
"...And Satan answered the Lord, I have been going back and forth across the earth watching everything that's going on." Job 1:7 NLT
He's sneaky. He's conniving. Shady. Shifty. Sly. Devious.
Satan wanders this orb looking for opportune moments. Moments that will allow him a leg up, a doorway to walk through, a temptation to use, a precise moment to pounce.
And he's as good at it today as he was in Job's time.
For instance: Yesterday he tempted me sorely with sugar cookies not on my healthy eating plan for the year. He picked and picked at an old wound until it bled and I had to bandage it with a balm of forgiveness only God could offer me. He used an evening when I was pressed for time to bring about a few annoying detours. He worked and worked to push me to the edge of my last nerve and then allow me to dangle over a pit of crocodiles for a few moments during my day. He pushed buttons. He reminded me of a few things I had formerly given to God. He pushed. He cajoled. He mocked. He poked.
He seemed to be everywhere. He seemed to have his grubby, little germ-infested hands in everything I went about doing. He placed obstacles in my path. He encouraged me to vent when I should have kept my mouth shut. He would jeer and sneer. He spend alot of time reminding me of my failures.
He's sneaky. Think he's not?
And still, amidst the turmoil, chaos and inconveniences, God proved to be worthy of praise, loving to the utmost and filled to the top and running over with grace. So I'll go at it another day--with God beside me and satan behind me!
Today's reading: Job 1-2
"...And Satan answered the Lord, I have been going back and forth across the earth watching everything that's going on." Job 1:7 NLT
He's sneaky. He's conniving. Shady. Shifty. Sly. Devious.
Satan wanders this orb looking for opportune moments. Moments that will allow him a leg up, a doorway to walk through, a temptation to use, a precise moment to pounce.
And he's as good at it today as he was in Job's time.
For instance: Yesterday he tempted me sorely with sugar cookies not on my healthy eating plan for the year. He picked and picked at an old wound until it bled and I had to bandage it with a balm of forgiveness only God could offer me. He used an evening when I was pressed for time to bring about a few annoying detours. He worked and worked to push me to the edge of my last nerve and then allow me to dangle over a pit of crocodiles for a few moments during my day. He pushed buttons. He reminded me of a few things I had formerly given to God. He pushed. He cajoled. He mocked. He poked.
He seemed to be everywhere. He seemed to have his grubby, little germ-infested hands in everything I went about doing. He placed obstacles in my path. He encouraged me to vent when I should have kept my mouth shut. He would jeer and sneer. He spend alot of time reminding me of my failures.
He's sneaky. Think he's not?
And still, amidst the turmoil, chaos and inconveniences, God proved to be worthy of praise, loving to the utmost and filled to the top and running over with grace. So I'll go at it another day--with God beside me and satan behind me!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 1-2
I'll be able to make it through the cold, long days and night of winter now.
Yes, the new blanket I received for Christmas will help. Yes, I've gotten out all my favorite pairs of butter socks. I have my bottom drawer piled full of long handles, cozy undershirts and heavy socks. But what really and truly gets me through the howling winds of winter?
The seed catalogs I receive in the mail!
As I look out over my garden, it's a sad state of affairs. Old vines. Spindly, frost-bitten remainders of plants. Cold, hard dirt.
But with the seed catalog, I'm envisioning bumper crops, vibrant greens and fertile, black as night soiled tilled and ready for long lines of beans, tomatoes and beets.
I hold great expectations for our little plot of land...even out of season.
I guess the Lord expects the same from me!
"They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper." Psalm 1:3 NLT
The season I'm in in life is capable of producing a harvest. The things I can do now are different from what I was called to do last year, five years ago, ten years ago--but I'm still called to be fruitful in the things of God.
There are no winter breaks for godliness. There are no dormant days for righteousness. Lazy, napping, resting and unprofitable seasons do not exist in the life of a believer!
In season all the time, friend.
What's He expecting you to produce today?
Today's reading: Psalm 1-2
I'll be able to make it through the cold, long days and night of winter now.
Yes, the new blanket I received for Christmas will help. Yes, I've gotten out all my favorite pairs of butter socks. I have my bottom drawer piled full of long handles, cozy undershirts and heavy socks. But what really and truly gets me through the howling winds of winter?
The seed catalogs I receive in the mail!
As I look out over my garden, it's a sad state of affairs. Old vines. Spindly, frost-bitten remainders of plants. Cold, hard dirt.
But with the seed catalog, I'm envisioning bumper crops, vibrant greens and fertile, black as night soiled tilled and ready for long lines of beans, tomatoes and beets.
I hold great expectations for our little plot of land...even out of season.
I guess the Lord expects the same from me!
"They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper." Psalm 1:3 NLT
The season I'm in in life is capable of producing a harvest. The things I can do now are different from what I was called to do last year, five years ago, ten years ago--but I'm still called to be fruitful in the things of God.
There are no winter breaks for godliness. There are no dormant days for righteousness. Lazy, napping, resting and unprofitable seasons do not exist in the life of a believer!
In season all the time, friend.
What's He expecting you to produce today?
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Today's reading: Joshua 1-5
"Joshua then commanded the leaders of Israel, Go through the camp and tell the people to get their provisions ready. In three days you will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land the Lord our God has given you." Joshua 1:10-11 NLT
I'll break it to you gently: all God's promised you is probably not going to just fall into your laps.
There. That being said, it's time we set aside some of the false beliefs we've been clinging to like life preservers.
1. Most of the issues/temptations/trials/obstacles you're facing will require some work on your part. Yes, God can miraculously relieve you of them, He has done it before in some instances. But He will require, most times, a litle sweat equity on your behalf.
2. His greatest works will come to pass only when you get up and head off in the direction He's asked you to go. Does He do works in puddles, pits and gutters? Yes, He does. But some of His most life-changing success stories begin when someone, like you or I, determine to head off in His direction--and He meets us!
3. A pre-determined change of address must be filled out and filed. Yes, you heard me correctly. It's time you begin speaking in terms of your new residence, God's presence. It's the hour of power, friends. Start by telling satan you're moving on up and out. Let friends know you are in the process of changing your life, your heart and your attitude. Allow others to hold you accountable to what God's promised in your life. Change is coming--prepare yourself for it, don't just sit around expecting a huge surprise party thrown in your honor.
Hard stuff to swallow. It was for the Israelites, too. They'd seen God's mighty works. They'd heard Moses, and Joshua, speak of the promises meant to be theirs. And then they were asked to start packing.
You're moving soon, too. Let everyone know!
Today's reading: Joshua 1-5
"Joshua then commanded the leaders of Israel, Go through the camp and tell the people to get their provisions ready. In three days you will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land the Lord our God has given you." Joshua 1:10-11 NLT
I'll break it to you gently: all God's promised you is probably not going to just fall into your laps.
There. That being said, it's time we set aside some of the false beliefs we've been clinging to like life preservers.
1. Most of the issues/temptations/trials/obstacles you're facing will require some work on your part. Yes, God can miraculously relieve you of them, He has done it before in some instances. But He will require, most times, a litle sweat equity on your behalf.
2. His greatest works will come to pass only when you get up and head off in the direction He's asked you to go. Does He do works in puddles, pits and gutters? Yes, He does. But some of His most life-changing success stories begin when someone, like you or I, determine to head off in His direction--and He meets us!
3. A pre-determined change of address must be filled out and filed. Yes, you heard me correctly. It's time you begin speaking in terms of your new residence, God's presence. It's the hour of power, friends. Start by telling satan you're moving on up and out. Let friends know you are in the process of changing your life, your heart and your attitude. Allow others to hold you accountable to what God's promised in your life. Change is coming--prepare yourself for it, don't just sit around expecting a huge surprise party thrown in your honor.
Hard stuff to swallow. It was for the Israelites, too. They'd seen God's mighty works. They'd heard Moses, and Joshua, speak of the promises meant to be theirs. And then they were asked to start packing.
You're moving soon, too. Let everyone know!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Today's reading: Genesis 1-3
"Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and brought her to Adam." Genesis 2:22 NLT
Ever Googled anything about ribs? No, not the sticky, barbecuey type, but the ones from which the female population is made from?
Interestingly enough, without them we'd be nothing but floppy beanbags! They're designed, creatively and uniquely, to be just strong enough to protect our most precious systems--our heart and our lungs.
And we, gals, are made from that tough stuff!
What might come your way today only God knows...but He's created you to handle it, with His help, of course.
You can do it, fellow rib-sisters, whether it's facing a giant, cleaning up around your house filled with blessings or knee-deep in raising your little rib-lets...He's made you out of some tough material!
Today's reading: Genesis 1-3
"Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and brought her to Adam." Genesis 2:22 NLT
Ever Googled anything about ribs? No, not the sticky, barbecuey type, but the ones from which the female population is made from?
Interestingly enough, without them we'd be nothing but floppy beanbags! They're designed, creatively and uniquely, to be just strong enough to protect our most precious systems--our heart and our lungs.
And we, gals, are made from that tough stuff!
What might come your way today only God knows...but He's created you to handle it, with His help, of course.
You can do it, fellow rib-sisters, whether it's facing a giant, cleaning up around your house filled with blessings or knee-deep in raising your little rib-lets...He's made you out of some tough material!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Today's reading: Romans 1-2
"For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes--Jews first and also Gentiles." Romans 1:16 NLT
An old 'favorite' on the first day of the New Year? One of 'those' everyone knows by heart--Christian and non-Christian? One of the 'black and whites' in a world scribbled about with gray?
Or is it?
A second glance this morning and a quick browse through the thesaurus proves to me I have a lot to learn this year--maybe you do, too.
Some synonyms of the word 'ashamed' are blushing, embarrassed, sheepish, remorseful and apologetic.
Not to change God's Word, but how does the verse size up in your eyes (and in your heart) when you substitute one its similar meanings?
Do I blush when God's Word is spoken of in public? Am I taken aback by its mis-use, or do I know it well enough to know when its being rightly used or not?
Am I as flamboyant about sharing the Gospel with others as I am my political views or my opinion on the latest athletes new contract? Am I sheepish when it comes to speaking His truth in matters of right and wrong?
Does remorse keep me from speaking the truth from the Bible? Will I sound 'preachy'? Might I step on toes, be intolerant of another's belief system?
Ashamed of the Gospel is one thing, but this morning it's been revealed to me that it goes much, much deeper than a feeling or disgrace or embarrassment on my part.
What a thought to begin the New Year with!
Today's reading: Romans 1-2
"For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes--Jews first and also Gentiles." Romans 1:16 NLT
An old 'favorite' on the first day of the New Year? One of 'those' everyone knows by heart--Christian and non-Christian? One of the 'black and whites' in a world scribbled about with gray?
Or is it?
A second glance this morning and a quick browse through the thesaurus proves to me I have a lot to learn this year--maybe you do, too.
Some synonyms of the word 'ashamed' are blushing, embarrassed, sheepish, remorseful and apologetic.
Not to change God's Word, but how does the verse size up in your eyes (and in your heart) when you substitute one its similar meanings?
Do I blush when God's Word is spoken of in public? Am I taken aback by its mis-use, or do I know it well enough to know when its being rightly used or not?
Am I as flamboyant about sharing the Gospel with others as I am my political views or my opinion on the latest athletes new contract? Am I sheepish when it comes to speaking His truth in matters of right and wrong?
Does remorse keep me from speaking the truth from the Bible? Will I sound 'preachy'? Might I step on toes, be intolerant of another's belief system?
Ashamed of the Gospel is one thing, but this morning it's been revealed to me that it goes much, much deeper than a feeling or disgrace or embarrassment on my part.
What a thought to begin the New Year with!
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