Thursday, December 3, 2020

Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 1-4

"...We want to work together with you so you will be full of joy as you stand firm in your faith." 2 Corinthians 1:24 NLT

If you've walked this blue/green orb as long as I have you've surely noticed the same three types of folks that came to my mind as I read this verse...

1.  The Christian who is so happy go-lucky that they reek joy and burp bubbles of goodness where ever they go. They are almost too much to handle. Too blessed to be believed.

2.  The Christian who is so staunch in their faith that a smile would crack their religious fortitude and the last time they laughed was when they were 'walking down sin's highway'. They are Pharisaical in composure and 'Sad'-uccacal (not so sure that's a word, but it's in reference to the Sadducees) in demeanor. They gave up joy for salvation.

3.  The Christian who is joyfully firm in their walk with the Lord! The believer who has the most fun living the life of a Christ-follower. The kind of person who wants everyone to walk the faith walk, and is so inviting in nature that others follow Jesus from following them. Their talk and their walk are infectious--and I mean in the good way!

I want to be the third kind of Christian.

You see, I believe Christ laughed.

I believe He enjoyed life. He had friends.

He believed wholeheartedly in God--and in the joy knowing Him brought into a life.

So, friends, let's stand firm in our faith joyfully.

Like, I believe, Jesus did.

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