Friday, February 24, 2023

Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44

"...He makes an idol and bows down to it and praises it! He burns part of the tree to roast his meat and to keep himself warm. Then he takes what's left and makes his god: a carved idol! He falls down in front of it, worshiping and praying to it, Rescue me! he says. You are my god!" Isaiah 44:15-17 NLT

Oh friends, let's be careful of what we are making into idols in our lives.

The smallest of things.

The nicest of things.

The most comforting of things.

The handed to us from God kind of things.

It is to easy to stop worshiping the Giver and worship the gift.

Maybe it's a matter of considering this one statement...

Oh, I couldn't live without _________.

What is it that you live for. Breathe for. Get up every morning for. Talk about all the time. Spend your hard earned money on. Have a passion for.

If, by your own admission, by your actions, by your life lived before God and man, it's anything other than God, then you have begun worshiping an idol.

You've become a worshiper of something other than God.

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