Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Today's reading: Numbers 12-13, Mark 13:9-37, Psalm 51:10-19

"Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever." Mark 13:31 NLT

A recent news article caught my attention. This article was asking the question, Why do so many ancient Egyptian statues have the nose missing?

I'd never thought about it, but the ones I've always seen, are missing their noses.

The archeologists claim it's mainly from erosion. The nose of the statue is the most vulnerable to the winds of time, the shifting sands and the monsoon rains some areas receive at certain times of the year.

The noses wear off first.

Hard to believe something made of rock can wear out. I'm almost sure the Egyptians, and their slaves, who built these monuments of human feat never thought they would change in any way, shape or form.

It didn't take this oddly interesting article to remind me that things change. One doesn't have to live very long, watch much television or live in southern Illinois to notice that what is today, probably won't be tomorrow.

Except for God's Word!

It has always been. It is. It will always be.

Time won't alter it.

Political powers cannot water it down.

Social norms cannot change it.

We cannot amend it, rationalize it, excuse it or twist it.

What the Bible says is what it will always say.

What God has declared as truth, right, holy and acceptable will not be affected by anything!

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